
Monday, December 17, 2012

Hello again!

I don't have a recipe to share, just giving an update from the last time we spoke. I just finished up my first semester of school and I'm so excited! I did well, not as good as I wanted but I'll get that 4.0GPA sooner than later. I'm looking forward to having some relax time. No worries about class, no worries about homework or studying. I can enjoy my holidays and time to cook and blog. I will hopefully have some yummy looking recipes and sweets coming up soon. Let's face it, once the holidays come around I'm eating like a pig. I need to cut down on the sweets I consume once Christmas is over. Here are some pictures to hold you over in the mean time.

 these humans got me these silly antlers (Louie we're sorry they were free and we had to try them out)
 My most recent half marathon. The first one I wanted to die, this one went well and I really enjoy running with my Mom over at Town and Country Living. Have you seen her recent posts? All about Christmas and her house looks amazing.
 This is my new winter coat that I don't enjoy but it's cold and I should wear it :) Not to mention how cute I look in it!

One of my favorite ornaments of all times :) I have a very specific way I like to decorate my tree. My inspiration comes from my Mom. I've always loved her tree, the ornaments the bows the beads, all of it. I have grown up with a certain decorated tree so that's what I'm used to! I'll have to take more photos of my tree and update later! Thanks for coming around! Excited to get back into blogging for a few weeks until school starts up again! Merry Christmas everyone!


  1. Congrats on finishing dear! That's along way to run! :)


    Glad things are going well and you finished your first semester...congratulations!! I bet you're excited to have a break and enjoy Christmas with your family. Hope you are enjoying your holiday season!

  3. Hi, Bridget!
    Yes, your Mom's house is wonderful!
    Louie is adorable...


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