
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Warm Rice Salad with Green Sauce

Doesn't sound too appetizing does it? Oh, but it is!!! I haven't had a lot of time to cook lately with school and homework and all, but I need to get back into eating healthy again. I need my veggies daily! So I browsed through my Pinterest board again for something tasty. I figured I'd give this recipe a go. I didn't have all the ingredients so I revised it myself. Now you have my version and the original version. While I was making this I thought to myself, "There's no way this is going to be good." My mind changed after that first bite hit my tongue. "Wow! This was good." I said to myself. I should've made Zac try it. I feel like I have to start getting him to eat better and taking care of his body better. Anyways, go get off your couch and make this. It's truly delicious and packed with flavor! I would have loved to use quinoa, accept I couldn't find mine, so I used my rice instead.

Adapted from: Oh She Glows
Warm Rice Salad with Green Sauce

1/2C  brown rice
1tsp evoo (extra virgin olive oil)
1/2C cherry tomatoes halved
1/4C to 1/2C frozen corn
1/4C frozen edamame
1tsp ground cumin
1tstp chili pepper
salt and pepper to taste

Green Sauce:
3 cloves garlic
1/2 C basil
1/4 C cilantro
1/4 C yellow tomato
3 tblsp evoo
2 limes juiced
2tsp ground cumin
salt and pepper to taste

For the Salad:
Cook rice according to package or directions. Heat saute pan and olive oil over medium heat. Once heated add, frozen corn and edamame. Once the frozen items have cooked for a couple minutes add the halved cherry tomatoes and cook for about 5 minutes. Season to taste.

For the Green Sauce:
Mince garlic in blender or food processor. Add basil and process again. Add the liquids and continue to process. Drizzle in the oil. Add the lime juice and seasonings to taste. You will have to scrape the sides several times. You want to have a liquid sauce so if you need to add more oil or lime juice go ahead. Honestly I just threw mine all together in no particular order! I was happy to find I had a yellow tomato from my garden that I could use. Oh She Glows recommends the yellow tomato because it adds liquid with out adding a ton of oil. She also says it keeps the sauce green! I hope you all enjoy this as much as I did!

 Does that not look delicious and fresh? Soooo good!!!


  1. That looks really, really good!!

  2. Yummmm! We love anything with edamame...looks healthy and delicious!

  3. Another great recipe I'll have to try! This would be good to take to work for lunch.


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