
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Years!

Happy New Years everyone! Did you do anything fun? Zac and I didn't. We decided to stay in this year just because I never seem to have fun, and honestly I think it's over rated. We didn't even stay up for the countdown. I was so tired I passed out but the neighbors lit fireworks so technically I was up at midnight. :) This morning I ran with my mom and her running group for 1:01:13, you know for New Years!
Some of my New Years resolutions are:
1) Eat healthier
2) Eat less sugar
3) Keep up with running and working out
4) Practice yoga and meditation
5) Stay positive/calm/free/and at peace

I know kind of a lot right? Most of these things I already do I just want to do them BETTER. I have changed a lot this past year and I'm really liking the changes I've made and now I just need to make them stronger. :)
Do you have any New Years resolutions? I think this year has a lot of positive amazing things in store for me!


  1. Sounds like you've got good goals! I mainly want to eat healthier and get back to running regularly.

  2. Happy New Year!

    I need this to be my list too! I haven't actually sat down to write down my goals for this year but I really have to!


Please leave me a comment, I love to read them and I read each and every one. Thanks for sharing some love!