
Monday, October 15, 2012

Monday Ramblings

This weekend was a really good one. I did a lot, but I also relaxed, which was much needed! I had my first day of clinicals as a CNA student. :) I went to breakfast with the hubby, although it wasn't very good and also not good for my 8 mile run that day. The run was amazing though even though I wasn't feeling the greatest and my legs were just very tired. My Mom and I always do our long runs on Sunday. We meet at a trail, the trail was so pretty yesterday, even though it was cold, rainy and windy. The trees were full of fall leaves. Yellow, green, red, and orange. I can't even describe it. Their were leaves all over the trail, and on the way back it was windy enough that it was snowing leaves. I love fall, and this was such a cool thing to see/experience. Next week we'll be running ten miles! :) My favorite thing to do after a long run is drink my chocolate soy milk and take a nice relaxing bubble bath. Zac and I hung our Halloween lights, now that we are renting a house we can be more festive. We spent some time at Home Depot, we didn't buy anything too fun..but it's nice to run errands on the weekend. I don't know what it is about it, but I enjoy it. Now it's a new start to the week, full of school and homework, and of course work. I'm looking forward to the holidays. I hope you all had a good weekend too!

 Yes this pic is super blurry, but my Mom was taking photos of the awesome trail..this picture doesn't do it justice
Louie watching Mom and Dad put up the lights, do you love his new sweater?


  1. I would run too if that was my view!

  2. I can't believe how far y'all run...wish I could run 8 miles! So fun that you and the hubby hung Halloween lights!


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