
Thursday, October 11, 2012

New Feelings

I just recently read a post on my Mom's blog The Early Face of Fall, which led me to want to talk about it too. I'm talking about my grandma. She is suffering from Alzheimer's, which is a memory disease. She has good days and bad, but last week was different. Grandma wasn't her usual sweet little self. She was very confused, and even angry. I remember getting in the car with my sister and just crying because I didn't know how it got like that so fast. I was sad for her and my Grandpa. I have many memories of her, and she is such an important person to me. So many of my child hood memories come from her. My mom was a single mother and worked full time, so I remember many days hanging out with Grandma. Especially when I was sick. I'd lay on her couch, watch cartoons all day and she would make me my favorite chicken noodle soup. I remember playing outside in her big backyard with my brother, fielding through pine cones and crunchy fall leaves. I remember the best bubble baths, and so much more. Every time I make toast with cinnamon sugar it always reminds me of her. I am so thankful for all the memories we created and that I can remember forever. Even if she isn't the same grandma I used to remember, she is still hanging around. She is a tough little lady.  Not many people are as lucky as I am to have their grandparents in their lives still, so I have to remember to be thankful for all the amazing memories I have of her. Seeing her joy erases any bad day or pain anyone could have. Even if she isn't so joyous anymore, I have to love her for who she has become. I will always love you Grandma, and you will always have a special place in my heart. I will always remember her being at my wedding, even if she doesn't remember it.
Love you Grandma and Grandpa

1 comment:

  1. Aw, this made me cry. She was joyful when I saw her yesterday. We should plan a girls day out with her. It'll give Grampa and the caregiver a break.


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