
Monday, October 8, 2012

Happy Anniversary!

Today is Zac and I's one year anniversary. It's crazy how fast the first year went. We've almost been together six years, but the first year of marriage flew by! I feel like yesterday I just got engaged. I miss my wedding, and all the fun we had with our friends and family. I miss getting ready, walking down the aisle, my brother's amazing ceremony skills, dancing the night away and so much more. I miss driving off in my Mom's tiny red yaris to the hotel room. I miss having Zac hold my dress so I could go pee for the first time that night! No joke :) I miss going to bed with him and waking up and going to Arby's. Yea, that's weird but I miss it and I'll always remember that. I even miss cleaning the barn the next day..something about seeing how it had just been celebrated and dirtied the night before. Thanks to Mom for all the help with cleaning up and everything else she did. My wedding was so amazing thanks to her. Thanks to everyone else who came and celebrated our special day with us. Thanks to all our friends who helped us out! My friend Brittany, made our cake. A friend from school catered our wedding, and another friend did my flowers for me. My Mom decorated and created so much amazing decorations for us. She really brought everything together and helped me so much. Another friend photographed our wedding. We had so much inside help and everything was so personal, I wouldn't have wanted it any other way. Everyone that's been married knows planning a wedding isn't always the funnest, and it can be pretty stressful.  We all just have to remember to take a breath and realize why we are getting married. Two years ago we got engaged a week before Christmas Eve. I remember just getting off work and Zac kept asking when I was going to be home. Not so unusual sometimes he asks, but this seemed a little persistent. I figured he was just missing me. I got home and he was acting kind of weird. Hugging me a lot and kissing me more than usual..I knew something was up. (We had talked about getting engaged for awhile now). He brought me over to the Christmas tree, and told me he had bought a new ornament...I'm searching and searching. Finally, I see the new ornament. It's of a guy proposing. The next thing I do is turn around and smile, and he's already on one knee asking me to marry him. Obviously I said yes. I was very happy. So that's our engagement story...I'm so happy I met him almost six years ago. We have gone through a lot and I know there are a lot of more tough times and struggles to come. I can't wait to start a family and buy our first home together. We have so much to look forward to. I love you Zac, and I love that you support me and help me as much as you can.

 I love this pic, you can see all the pretty details on my dress
 We had sunflowers and rafia as decorations
 We lined the aisle with sunflowers and rafia as well
 My Mom created all of this

 My adorable niece was the "flower girl" she couldn't walk yet so big brother walked her down the aisle in a red rustic wagon.

 I LOVE this pic of my Mom...speechless
 Me n Dad walking down the aisle
 I love my hair! This is my brother, he was our officiant. It was such a cool experience having him do this for us. It was personal, and very good and funny!
 We wrote our own vows

 More decorations. I got our wine glasses and forks off Etsy.
 My amazing wedding cake my friend made.

 Our first dance. We danced to Brad Paisley's "Then"

 Again my Mom made all our burlap signs :)

 This is my favorite picture from our wedding!
One of my Mom's friends (who happens to be the sweetest lady i think I've ever met in my life, and she's awesome!) with the flower girl, my niece...isn't she the cutest!?
You can see more photos from our barn wedding here:Our Wedding
More wedding pics


  1. Beautiful. Happy Anniversary!

  2. Such a pretty wedding and the perfect day for it, too! Happy Anniversary, Bridget!!

  3. Your wedding was absolutely incredible!! You looked stunning! Wow, thanks for sharing!

    Happy Anniversary! Cheers to many more happy and loving years together!!


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