
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Another Pinterest Recipe for the books

Lately, the way I get my meals is through Pinterest of course. Hey, it has tons and tons of healthy, and not so healthy meals. From quick to not so quick. Not to mention most of them are reliable and delicious. I finally had a night off school and thought I'd make dinner for Zac and I. As I'm about to throw the pasta in the heavily, heavily salted water pot he asks if I'm ready to walk the dog. So I turn the pot off and save it for later. Louie, our new pup has been afraid or not so keen on taking walks all of a sudden. Not sure why...anyways towards the end of the walk he was just fine..which is the usual case. As I got back home I returned to my dinner. The whole kitchen smelled of garlic. :) This dish was pretty simple, quick and delicious. Sometimes simple and quick is just what you need. The original source for this recipe can be found here: Goddess Of Scrumptiousness

Adapted from: Goddess of Scrumptiousness
Spaghetti in Garlic Gravy with Herbs and Cherry Tomatoes

8oz or half box/bag of spaghetti noodles
For the Garlic Gravy (Garlic Gravy?! How delicious does that sound?)
1/2 stick of unsalted butter
1 tblsp evoo (extra virgin olive oil)
4 large garlic cloves, minced
1 tblsp AP flour
1 1/4 c vegetable stock
1 tblsp fresh basil (unfortunately I only had dry)
salt and pepper to taste
1/8 c parsley
1/4 grated parmesean cheese
1 c whole or halved cherry tomatoes

Boil a pot with heavily salted water. (With all my pasta, I've learned to salt the water so much it literally tastes like salt water) Just a little tip I learned from the pro's over at Bon Apetit. You can use this water later to add a little more flavor to your pasta dish. Once, your water has boiled cook noodles until al dente. While noodles are cooking heat large saute pan over medium high heat. Add oil and butter, once the butter is melted add the minced garlic and saute until fragrant. Add in flour and cook for one minute. Add vegetable stock and boil until thickened. This is when I added all my spices. I never measure my spices I just season to taste. I added about 1/8 cup of salted pasta water. Drain pasta and add to saute pan. Cook an extra two minutes and let the pasta absorb the garlic gravy. Top with cheese and tomatoes, and voila you have one tasty pasta dish. Zac raved about this, he really enjoyed it. I hope you do too! It's a perfect cold weather meal.

Of course my pictures look nothing like the original! I was too excited and in a rush to take pictures, not to mention it was dark out when we got back from our walk! 

 Just looking at it makes me wish I had some right now

Linking up to: Lady Behind the Curtain


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