
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Yet another Chocolate Chip Cookie

I don't know about you, but my all time favorite thing is a good, soft, chewy, chocolate chip cookie. Oh, my. I have an addiction. Every time I want a sweet I turn to cookies. I need to venture out but I can't seem to get there. Everything from the dough to the cookie. Usually by the time the cookies are done I can't even eat one because I've vegged out on the dough. I'm not sure how anyone can not like this stuff. This is the reason I can't diet. I just can't do it. I enjoy my sweets and other things too much. So for now I'll just stick with working out and running, A LOT! :) They are baking fresh in the oven right now. I've even tried a new recipe! Go me! I usually use Annie's Eats, Thick and Chewy Cookies, but this time I decided to try something different. I really need to make New York Times  chocolate chip cookies again, but the reason I never make these is because you need to refrigerate over night. Who wants to wait that long? :) They are totally worth it though. Just look at them! Anyhoo, here's the new recipe! Epicurious Chocolate Chip Cookies. I under baked them, I always do.

 Okay so it took me forever to load these! For whatever reason I am still having troubles with Picasa...I ended up editing these about 4 times. The pics aren't great because I took them inside and still need to learn to shoot in dark areas. I'm learning slowly but surely.



  1. I think your pictures are amazing (as always) and these are making my mouth water!!

  2. You're not helping my diet!! :) Seriously though, these look really good. I always underbake my cookies too. Your photos are getting better!

  3. They look incredible to me but it could be that every time I see chocolate chip cookies my mouth waters.

  4. Those look good. Try Alton Brown's Chewy Chocolate Chip cookies. The best ones I have ever made.


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