
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

I hate how I've been so lacking in my blog posts. I feel like ever since I went vegetarian I'm not posting as much. Boo! Not cool friends. Anyways, just an update on what's going on in my life. Zac and I are looking for a new apartment. Well, we've put a deposit down to hold one place. Then we started thinking maybe we should find a rental home. We came across something that is perfect. A nice 2 bedroom place with a huge yard and a garage...oh and laundry in unit! Sold! Well, we're having some troubles with the current tenant. It's got me so stressed out, I can barely take much to think about with our future! Needless to say, we may be moving in with the family I nanny for, for about a week. We will see. We're hoping to get a pup soon! Probably from a shelter. We'd love to get an english bulldog but I'm not so sure that's going to happen. I wonder how Frank will feel about that. He's been around dogs before, but he's so spoiled now..I plan on making some tasty burritos this week, so hopefully that will be on the blog sooner than later. Wish us luck!

How could you not want a bulldog? Link:Pinterest


  1. Aww that stinks, good luck with the current tenants. Sounds like the perfect place. I love dogs! We got a rescue dog. My cat does not like the dog at all. For 4.5 years it was just him and he is so spoiled so I blame us, hehe.

    That meals sounds delish! I'll check out the recipe when you post!

  2. Bulldogs are the cutest things on the planet, seriously!!! We currently rent and prior to our current home, we went through renting fiasco's and tyrant landlords and LOTS of resulting stress! Wishing you peace as you find your next home!!!


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