
Monday, June 18, 2012

Black Bean, Corn and Avocado Salad

It's summer time and that means fresh, light recipes, and ice cream! :) I came across this recipe from the family I nanny for. It's sooo good and super easy to make. You can eat it as is or eat it with rice, which is what I did today. You can also serve it w/ pasta. It's totally healthy and addicting! I played around with the pictures on Picasa. I was trying to create a header for my blog, and I was so close to getting there but I couldn't find the text anywhere. Not sure if I am just not looking hard enough but I looked everywhere and I can't figure it out. Maybe I'll try a different editing system. Now, go make some of this delicousness and I dare you not to eat it all!

Black Bean, Corn, and Avocado Salad
1 can black beans (I use cooked, dried beans)
1 can corn (I use frozen and eyeball it)
grape tomatoes, cut in half
1 clove garlic, minced
1 tablespoon olive oil
cayenne pepper
chipotle pepper
1-2 avocados, chopped

If using canned beans and corn rinse and drain. I buy my beans in bulk and cook them, otherwise I buy them in cans that are not lined with BPA, which can be expensive. I buy frozen organic corn and use that as well. Cut tomatoes in half. Throw these ingredients in a bowl and add chopped avocado, garlic, cilantro, oil and spices.  Mix up ingredients and serve!

Today I was thinking how this would be good with red peppers and jalepenos. You can always add things to your liking. I also omitted the oil, I'm trying to cook with out it these days. Enjoy! Let me know what you think of the photos...

 I picked the cilantro out of my new garden. I love cilantro and it's so awesome to step outside and get ingredients!
 I'm kind of proud of myself with the "depth of field I got on this shot" learning some new photography skills! Woot woot!
 Tell me this doesn't look delicious...Starting to think maybe this one is a little over exposed?
 I like this one...
 This one isn't my fave..
Not sure what I did here either...maybe it's my eyes! 


  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Your black bean salad looks beautiful! I love the use of the chipotle!

  2. This looks good. I'll have to try it sometime soon. Thanks for sharing the recipe. :)


  3. Oh yummmmm! That looks delish!

  4. Recipe looks good. What are you using to edit your photos?

    1. I was using Picasa I was just messing around w some of the editing options I want to try picmonkey next

  5. YUM!!! Loving this recipe and your cute cilantro plant :) I definitely recommend picmonkey - can't wait to see your new header!

  6. This looks incredible! I am going to have to try this recipe! It looks so good!!!

  7. You should write a blog about growing a garden. That is something I want to do once we get a house. But heck if I know how much to water, what shouldn't be planted next to one another, bug control, etc.

  8. Great summer salad. Thanks for sharing!

  9. This salad looks like it will be terrific. I'm zipping over to follow you on GFC and check out the rest of your blog. I have a new blog "Define Inspiration(1 week old)and I'd love to have you stop by and see what you think ... and follow if you'd like.


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