
Thursday, June 28, 2012

My Version of Famers Market Pasta

Have you ever visited 33 Shades of Green? My Mom over at Town and Country Living, suggested it to me. I love this blog. They have linky parties too! I've pinned so many of their recipes. I finally decided to make a recipe, and man was it good! It was super fresh and simple. I mean, you should go make this now it was that good and easy. It's called Farmers Market Pasta. Okay, so technically mine wasn't from the farmer's market...I didn't have a chance to get there this weekend. So mine was more like Whole Food's pasta! ;) Anyhoo, it was still delish. No, it's not vegan, but it's vegetarian so that's good enough for me!

Adapted from: 33 Shades of Green
My Version of Farmers Market Pasta
1/2lb pasta (I used Trader Joe's Organic GF Pasta)
1c reserved salted pasta water
1tbsp evoo
mixed veggies (I got a mix from whole foods including red peppers, zucchini, squash, and onions)
2 garlic cloves, chopped
1 cup cherry tomatoes sliced in half
1 handful chopped fresh basil (right from my garden!)
crumbled goat cheese
salt and pepper to taste

Boil heavily salted water and cook pasta according to package directions. Reserve about one cup of the water before draining. This will later add flavor to the dish. Heat olive oil over medium heat, add in garlic and saute until fragrant. Then add in veggies and saute a couple minutes. Once this is done, mix pasta, veggies, tomatoes and basil together. Crumble goat cheese over top and serve with basil. Enjoy!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

I hate how I've been so lacking in my blog posts. I feel like ever since I went vegetarian I'm not posting as much. Boo! Not cool friends. Anyways, just an update on what's going on in my life. Zac and I are looking for a new apartment. Well, we've put a deposit down to hold one place. Then we started thinking maybe we should find a rental home. We came across something that is perfect. A nice 2 bedroom place with a huge yard and a garage...oh and laundry in unit! Sold! Well, we're having some troubles with the current tenant. It's got me so stressed out, I can barely take much to think about with our future! Needless to say, we may be moving in with the family I nanny for, for about a week. We will see. We're hoping to get a pup soon! Probably from a shelter. We'd love to get an english bulldog but I'm not so sure that's going to happen. I wonder how Frank will feel about that. He's been around dogs before, but he's so spoiled now..I plan on making some tasty burritos this week, so hopefully that will be on the blog sooner than later. Wish us luck!

How could you not want a bulldog? Link:Pinterest

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Yet another Chocolate Chip Cookie

I don't know about you, but my all time favorite thing is a good, soft, chewy, chocolate chip cookie. Oh, my. I have an addiction. Every time I want a sweet I turn to cookies. I need to venture out but I can't seem to get there. Everything from the dough to the cookie. Usually by the time the cookies are done I can't even eat one because I've vegged out on the dough. I'm not sure how anyone can not like this stuff. This is the reason I can't diet. I just can't do it. I enjoy my sweets and other things too much. So for now I'll just stick with working out and running, A LOT! :) They are baking fresh in the oven right now. I've even tried a new recipe! Go me! I usually use Annie's Eats, Thick and Chewy Cookies, but this time I decided to try something different. I really need to make New York Times  chocolate chip cookies again, but the reason I never make these is because you need to refrigerate over night. Who wants to wait that long? :) They are totally worth it though. Just look at them! Anyhoo, here's the new recipe! Epicurious Chocolate Chip Cookies. I under baked them, I always do.

 Okay so it took me forever to load these! For whatever reason I am still having troubles with Picasa...I ended up editing these about 4 times. The pics aren't great because I took them inside and still need to learn to shoot in dark areas. I'm learning slowly but surely.


Monday, June 18, 2012

Black Bean, Corn and Avocado Salad

It's summer time and that means fresh, light recipes, and ice cream! :) I came across this recipe from the family I nanny for. It's sooo good and super easy to make. You can eat it as is or eat it with rice, which is what I did today. You can also serve it w/ pasta. It's totally healthy and addicting! I played around with the pictures on Picasa. I was trying to create a header for my blog, and I was so close to getting there but I couldn't find the text anywhere. Not sure if I am just not looking hard enough but I looked everywhere and I can't figure it out. Maybe I'll try a different editing system. Now, go make some of this delicousness and I dare you not to eat it all!

Black Bean, Corn, and Avocado Salad
1 can black beans (I use cooked, dried beans)
1 can corn (I use frozen and eyeball it)
grape tomatoes, cut in half
1 clove garlic, minced
1 tablespoon olive oil
cayenne pepper
chipotle pepper
1-2 avocados, chopped

If using canned beans and corn rinse and drain. I buy my beans in bulk and cook them, otherwise I buy them in cans that are not lined with BPA, which can be expensive. I buy frozen organic corn and use that as well. Cut tomatoes in half. Throw these ingredients in a bowl and add chopped avocado, garlic, cilantro, oil and spices.  Mix up ingredients and serve!

Today I was thinking how this would be good with red peppers and jalepenos. You can always add things to your liking. I also omitted the oil, I'm trying to cook with out it these days. Enjoy! Let me know what you think of the photos...

 I picked the cilantro out of my new garden. I love cilantro and it's so awesome to step outside and get ingredients!
 I'm kind of proud of myself with the "depth of field I got on this shot" learning some new photography skills! Woot woot!
 Tell me this doesn't look delicious...Starting to think maybe this one is a little over exposed?
 I like this one...
 This one isn't my fave..
Not sure what I did here either...maybe it's my eyes! 

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Green Smoothie

Have any of you gotten on the green smoothie wagon? If you haven't you totally should. They're amazing and they make you feel good! You can do so much with them. I used to make mine with spinach, blueberries, bananas and apples. So yummy! Recently I've been making mine with organic unsweetened almond milk, a banana, spinach and my Green Super Food. This stuff doesn't taste the best, but with the banana in there you can't even taste it. Some people think these spinach smoothies are gross. Honestly I don't think spinach has much of a flavor and the banana masks most of the other flavors. There a million and one recipes all over the internet for spinach smoothies. I'm here to share mine with you. Pardon the horrible pictures...

On a side note, I've totally been missing cooking amazing food lately. Don't get me wrong most of the veggies and fruit I've been eating are good but I guess I miss the cooking and really good food. That doesn't make sense does it? I'm such a foodie and most recipes I see that look oh so delicious have meat in them. I think I just really miss chicken lately. I saw some really yummy looking fish and chicken and tacos in my magazine and I totally want to make them. I just miss food. That also doesn't make sense, I eat food everyday. I guess veggies, beans and rice are boring me lately. Engine 2 Diet states there are so many ways you can be plant strong and fun..I just am not seeing it. I miss fatty mac n cheese and amazing desserts. Delicious Mexican meals and Italian Pastas. Part of missing this stuff probably comes from dieting too. I was doing really well for awhile and not losing any weight. I was getting so frustrated, I've come to the realization I should just let it go and learn to love my body. Most of the bodies I see that I want I've realized the woman are paid to look like this. Lets be real I'm not famous, I just need to let nature take it's course and be happy. Working on loving my body will come in time, and I need to realize my love for food also comes w/ a little extra love on my body. I'm working on it. I'm stuck between wanting to love food and wanting to be extremely thin. Sometimes I think I'm crazy..maybe I am. As long as I don't gain weight.. a girls gotta eat her brownies right? :) I do realize though if I don't get enough fruits and veggies I feel like garbage..all in moderation right? Thanks for listening! If you could all check out my friends new blog I'd love it! Dinner Is Ready at Six. I went to college with her, she's a newlywed and loves food just like me! :)

Mrs Green Jeans Green Smoothie
2 handfuls of spinach
1 scoop green super food
1 banana
1 cup unsweetened organic almond milk (or other milk of your choice)

Blend first 4 ingredients and then add ice. Sometimes I drink this after a work out and add hemp protein to make a delicious protein shake! Spinach is full of vitamins and nutrients and many other great things and this is one easy, yummy way to get in your daily value for the day! Hope you enjoy.

 You can find this Green Super Food at Whole Foods or on Amazon, or you can simply omit it!

 My pictures aren't the best, but I was in a hurry!

 Frank came out to join me. I think I need to get to the eye doctor..I always find some of my pictures to be a little eyes are not so well ;)

Monday, June 4, 2012

Grilled Dinner

So my new thing right now is Boca Vegan Burgers and now that I've read the ingredients (which I normally ALWAYS do) before buying a product..I probably won't buy them again. I should probably just make my own and freeze them. They are so yummy! I usually grill two, or I should say my husband grills them, and then I eat them w/ veggies and organic ketchup and mustard. Mmm. I bought these new spicy pickles at whole foods. They are really thick but tasty! It's such a good lunch or dinner for not many calories, and then I serve it w/ either a black bean salad or veggies. Tonight I grilled some veggies w/ balsamic vinegar. Mmm. It was so good and so filling. I didn't get a chance to work out today :(   I was so exhausted after this weekend and just wanted to rest for once. This past Saturday was my sister's bachelorette party, and then I worked Sunday at Whole Foods tired today! Although, I missed my work out for the day. I've been so busy and going non stop that I just had to give myself a little break. This whole nannying three kids and working a second job is already wearing on me. I don't get to enjoy my weekends as much, and I like my sleep! Anyways, my sister's wedding is this weekend! Crazy! This year has already gone by so fast. I hope you enjoy my photos!

 Yummy, grilled, organic vegan dinner! vegan burgers and grilled balsamic veggies...mmm love summer and grilling!