
Saturday, March 17, 2012


I've been wanting to post about this for awhile and just got too caught up in all my food and new health adventures. I didn't like my engagement pics much and wanted something more fun that didn't involve us being in our coats, as we did the engagement shots in the middle of winter. So I found this pretty awesome chica to take some great pics, her name is Jordan, you can find her over at Jordan Quinn Photography.I won't be sharing all the pictures, there are way too many! :) I will share some of my favorites. I love these photos so much! Thanks again to Jordan for capturing some amazing shots of us. I had so much fun working with her. We took these shots down town Chicago. Perfect!
I absolutely love this picture!

We found this awesome brick wall that had amazing leaves growing on beautiful

You can see more of Jordan's work on me here: Trash the Dress


  1. These are amazing!! You look gorgeous!

  2. your pictures are fabulous!!! looks like LOVE!!

  3. These are some gorgeous photos, I especially like the railroad backdrop!

  4. Gorgeous pictures! You're in Chicago! I'm in a near by suburb of Chicago! It's a small world afterall;)


Please leave me a comment, I love to read them and I read each and every one. Thanks for sharing some love!