
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Grilled Pizza and a not so Vegan Dinner

So last month we got our bon appetit magazine, and it had this amazingly delicious looking pizza on it. Seriously? Right after I decide I want to eat vegan they send me this?
Okay, this is why I don't think I can ever 100 percent go vegan. Now I'm not saying I'm going to eat pizza once a week but all in moderation and only if it's this pizza. This is by far the best pizza I have ever had in my whole entire life, and hubby and I made it. That's right people! Stop calling up your local delivery guys, get off the couch and make this amazing pie. Tackle the dough and master it. It really isn't that difficult! Well, hubby hates it and decided, "we're not having pizza anymore! This is not working." Okay, first off calm down, second ask a woman/pastry chef for help. :) I managed to make her work. This wonderful smooth ball of dough become some amazing pie. I decided since it's so nice out why not grill the pizza? Have you ever had grilled pizza? Oh, it's heavenly! I feel bad about eating pizza because I know it won't make me skinny, but then I eat it and I feel all better. :) Moderation people, moderation. A foodie girl can't cut out her pizza! She can just cut back, A LOT! Come on we only live once right? Can you tell I'm trying to make myself feel better about the bad choices I make? ;) Don't be afraid of the grill like the husband was...sheesh! I told him next time it was mandatory he had his on the grill. Okay, so thank you bon appetit  for sharing this amazing recipe. Which I will now share with you!

No Knead Pizza Dough-that's right no knead!!! Could it get any easier? And it tastes this good? Hail to the pizza gods!
Tomato and Stracciatella Pizza -we did not use Stracciatella, not sure why but it was still amazing.

Just follow the directions in the links above. You can either choose to make your own pizza sauce or what I did was buy crushed canned tomatoes. Oh, great canned tomatoes, would you like a side of BPA with that? Oh, whatever, I'm only human. I used Organic Muir Glen Fire Roasted crushed tomatoes. Yum! We then topped the pizzas off with mozzarella and ricotta cheese. Feel free to use fresh mozzarella or buffalo mozzarella. I would stick with those cheeses though. I'm sorry but packaged pre-shredded cheap cheese is only going to be poison to this fine crust!

As far as grilling goes..heat your grill to high. Brush grill with olive oil. Hubby used a big thin white flour cloth we had and dipped it in oil and wiped down the grill. Please everyone do not spray Pam onto your grill, unless you don't want eyebrows! Okay, so now that you have your grill going and oiled, stretch out your dough, and oil. I transferred my dough to a pizza wheel we had and set it on the grill. It wasn't pretty, it was my first time but it's rustic! Once your dough is browned on one side carefully flip it over and grill on the other side. Do slowly, and with caution! You may need a few spatulas, hands, or pair of tongs. Teamwork people! Show your pizza some love. Once you have flipped your dough add your sauce and cheese. I literally pulled chunks of mozzarella off and flattened between my fingers and placed on top of the sauce. You can spoon on the ricotta all over too. No need to make it pretty! I like to add red pepper flakes to mine, along with some oregano or other green herbs. I then add a little salt and pepper to finish her off! Enjoy the best pizza you hopefully will have ever made!

 My only criticism is browning the sauced side more next time, and better photos!


  1. That looks so delicious!!! Craving pizza now!

    OK, I know I could be wrong but did you have another blog?

    1. Hey faith my old Blog was flour n friends I just changed it due to my new diet and lifestyle change! Still the same girl just a diff name! :)

  2. CONGRATULATIONS!!! Your recipe is featured on Today's Recipe Round Up #3 from Cast Party Wednesday Link Party #33. THANK YOU for sharing your recipe with us! ---Sheryl---

  3. Stopping by from Lady Behind The Curtain. I will show this to my oldest Little Chef who is a pizza fan. It is starting to warm up here so we could be making this very soon. This will truly be a new adventure neither of us have grilled pizza before. I hope it is as successful as yours was...if not at least we will have a good story to tell!

  4. My neighbor used to have grill pizza parties! I've tried and failed miserably the only time I've made them! Pinning so I can try them again!

  5. You are making me hungry! LOL! Another must try:D Thanks for sharing!


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