
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Books, a Movie and an update!

Sorry to all, I realize it's been a whole week since my last post! My training is going well. I have decided to focus more on my running right now then lifting. I'm still lifting, but it's hard to keep up w/ the LiveFit Trainer I'm doing. If I skip a day I beat myself up about it, so far now I'm going to put my time and energy into running. Like I said, I'll keep up the lifting just at my own speed! I'm on week three of my half marathon training. I'm very proud that I'm keeping up the good work! Enough about my fitness, I know it's all I talk about anymore ;)

I decided to start reading to try and help me sleep, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. :(  I just finished up my Runner's Diet book and am now moved on to The China Study. I've heard lots of good reviews about this book on many vegan blogs I follow. Doctor T. Colin Campbell has written this book about changing your diet and reducing the risk of cancer, heart disease, obesity, and diabetes. Which moves me on to the next thing..hubby and I couldn't find anything to watch last night and I had remembered about this movie I was wanting to watch Forks Over Knives, I would love it if everyone watched this movie. In fact Dr. T. Colin Campbell is in this documentary. It's about living a plant based diet and how it can help reverse diabetes, cancer, obesity, and heart disease. Yes, I said REVERSE!!! This documentary is truly amazing. My husband even told me after it was all over he might, with a big emphasis on the with me next week...wait, can you say that again?! I never thought this day would come. Of course being vegan and eating a plant based diet isn't easy..but it pays off and they have done the research to prove it. After the movie was over I went to their website and looked around a little. I found that you could do a forks over knives retreat for the weekend, and their was one in my home town..No Way!!! I was freaking out and kept saying, I have to go! Then I found out it was $550! What a bummer!

If you're interested in being healthier you should definitely watch this movie! :) Oh, for dinner tonight I had some delicious Cauliflower "chicken" Nuggets, from Chocolate Covered Katie I was totally scared to try it was amazing and filling!!! Can't wait to have it again! Have you ever seen her blog? It's changed my life!!! She has so many recipes I'd like to try, and they are all healthy! Yes, please! I feel like this post wouldn't be complete with out some pics, so I will include some pictures of some pretty peppers I bought and froze the other day!

 Mmm, aren't they beautiful?

 There's my cat Frank again, getting into everything. I swear he thinks everything is his!

1 comment:

  1. Great post, Bridget! Love the pepper photos ... especially the one with Frank! I signed up for the Dewey Dash 5k on April 15th. It will be my first race of the season.


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