
Friday, February 24, 2012

Cupcake Cookies

Have you ever had iced sugar cookies? There's something about them..besides the fact that they are utterly amazing! My husband, and children I nanny are addicted to them! I think Caleb, the coolest 5 year old I know, and my husband bugged me about them for a good 3 days. Are they done yet? When are you going to decorate them? When can I eat them..boys! Silly boys! They are pretty darn delicious. I'd like to make more thinking of them now. The only downfall is they are very time consuming, dough has to refrigerate, cookies have to cool down, then you flat ice, more rest time..then decorating, it's a few days process. Of course I always have to make them look beautiful and put much effort and time into them. I need to start collecting cookie cutters, so if you'd like to send some my way please do! I won't turn them down! :) I used Annie's sugar cookie dough over at Annies Eats..she has some great stuff over there! They were very good and the dough turned out perfectly.

Perfect Sugar Cookies
2 sticks unsalted butter at room temp
1 cup powdered sugar
1 large egg
2 1/2 tsp vanilla extract, or vanilla bean, yum!
Lemon zest, I didn't use it because I didn't have it :(
2 1/2 cups AP flour, all purpose
1 tsp salt

Cream butter and sugar, until light and fluffy..this will take a few minutes. Beat in egg, vanilla, zest (if using) and salt. Mix in flour on low speed until incorporated. Form dough into a ball and wrap in plastic wrap, or place in ziploc bag. Refrigerate one to two hours or up to 24 hours. Once dough is chilled, roll it out onto a well floured work surface. I like to flour the top of the dough a bit too so it doesn't stick to the rolling pin. Roll a 1/4" thick. Cut cookies and place on a wax, or parchment lined pan. Bake 8-10 minutes (cookies will be slightly browned on the edges) in a 375 degree preheated oven. Cool cookies and ice with royal icing.

Royal Icing
4 cups powdered sugar, sifted
2 tbsp meringue powder, this can be found at JoAnn or Michaels in the cake aisle..maybe at your local grocer?
5tbsp water

Beat powdered sugar and meringue powder with water. You're going to want to beat for about 10 minutes until white and glossy. If you have never iced cookies before you might want to check out a tutorial. Thin icing is great for flooding the cookies as a base. If decorating them you want the icing to be thick. Check out some of these tutorials:  Steps to making the perfect sugar cookie, over at Sweetapolita and Decorating sugar cookies, video from youtube, you can check out many more videos or tutorials. Feel free to ask any questions!


  1. These are sooooo pretty! Too cute to eat!!

  2. Definitely too pretty to eat. We love sugar cookies around here, but I like quick and easy. Your black bean and sweet potato enchiladas sound fantastic! I just read several of your posts. Seems like you've made the same changes I did 7 years ago. I decided I wanted to be fit and 40, not fat and 40. Totally changed my eating, reading labels and lost 30 lbs which I've kept off. 4 years ago I became vegetarian. I was headed that way for many years, but then I read Quantum Wellness and that's pretty much what sealed the deal for me. So many folks don't think about where their food comes from or what happens in between. Wishing you all the best on your journey to a well-informed, healthier you. Tammy

  3. These are probably the cutest cookies I have ever seen! I am slightly obsessed with all things cupcake related! : ) Love these!

  4. Ps. I just found this on Pinterest and thought you might like some of the recipes! The vegan Thin Mints look amazing! : )

    1. Ooh thank you for sharing this I can't wait to check out!! You're awesome!!

  5. I don't think I've ever seen cookies this cute, and I'm not just saying that because I'm your mom. They're truly adorable!

    1. Thanks mama! I want to start collecting cookie cutters so I can make more pretty cookies ..I shoud get pretty packaging and sell them like you said..come up w my own recipes..make them organic and cute!

  6. YUM ! Look how beautiful these are ! Such cute cookies!

  7. Adorable cookies!! My go to and favorite recipe is the No Fail Sugar Cookie recipe. It's always a hit! But this one sounds's the first sugar cookie recipe I see with powdered sugar. I'm definitely giving this a try!! Thanks for sharing:)


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