
Sunday, February 19, 2012

Sweet Potato Black Bean Enchiladas

I'd like to start this post off by saying I used to be the pickiest eater ever..I never liked beans, unless they were green beans. I also wasn't really a fan of sweet potatoes. Well, guess what? It's time to suck it up and enjoy them. They are good for you! Also now that I'm not eating meat anymore, beans are essential to my diet. It's time to suck it up and learn to enjoy some of the things I've said I don't like. Guess what, my sweet potato black bean enchiladas were amazing. Silly me, what have I been missing all these years? Will I miss chicken? Probably not that much. I am reading this great book right now, and flying through it. It's called Skinny Bitch, maybe you've heard of it maybe you haven't. One of my friends advised me to read it after expressing concerns of going vegan. It's an awesome book. These ladies don't mess around, they cut to the chase and let's be honest they're a little vile at times, but they are only stating the truth so I enjoy it! It makes me laugh and sometimes reading it, I feel like I could have wrote it! Some of it is also really sad, particularly the animal parts. It's insane what is done to animals and how the farmers treat them. It made me sick. I'd seen the movie Food Inc. before..a few years ago and apparently that wasn't enough for me..sick huh? You should see that movie too. I guess the more I educate myself and surround myself with other people that can give me more info, the more I want to change. After reading most of this book, I've decided okay, it's definitely time to cut out all meat. As far as dairy goes, that will happen slowly. Also I need to totally lower my sugar intake. I know I've been posting a lot about this lately but it's been on my mind just about everyday for a few weeks. I love all my followers I have now, but I'm sorry to say things are a changing around here! My food and recipes will still be amazing, just a whole lot healthier. Ain't nothing wrong with that! I hope some of you can find this information and these books helpful! I will move onto my scrumptious lunch I had today before I get too far off track. I found this recipe over at Gluten Free Goddess. She has some really great looking meals I can't wait to try! I just noticed these enchiladas won the Whole Foods Budget recipe contest..check it out over at Gluten Free Goddess's blog!

Sweet Potato Black Bean Enchiladas

Green Chile Sauce:
1 C Vegetable Broth
1 Tblsp Arrowroot starch dissolved in cold water (I could not find arrowroot starch, I used corn starch instead and it worked fine)
1 generous C chopped green chiles-hot or mild is fine, I chose mild, next time I will choose hot for sure, I love spicy foods!
2-3 Garlic cloves chopped, I used 3 I like a lot of garlic!
1 tsp cumin or chili powder, I used both!

Combine all ingredients and heat in a saucepan over medium heat until thickened.

1-15oz can organic black beans, rinsed and drained
3-4 garlic cloves minced
Fresh lime juice from one lime
1 sweet potato, cooked and mashed. I left mine a little chunky with skin on
1/2 c roasted green chiles (I didn't have enough green chiles left, so I used one jalepeno instead)
1/2 tsp cumin
1/2 tsp chili
salt and pepper to taste
chopped cilantro, depending on your taste, I love cilantro so I used a lot!

Toss beans, garlic and lime juice, set aside. Cook potatoes and mash, throw together with seasonings, chiles, and cilantro. I added the beans to my potatoes as well and mixed all of it up together. Karina over at Gluten Free Goddess laid the potato layer first, then the beans. Do whatever you'd like.

Olive Oil
Corn Tortillas
Cheese, or vegan cheese. I used a vegan cheese sauce I'll share at the bottom.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Place 1/4-1/2 of the green chile sauce on the bottom of a baking dish. Heat corn tortillas in oiled saucepan or microwave. They don't need to heat up too much, just a few seconds on each side. Place potato mixture in the middle of each corn tortilla in a line..I hope that makes sense next time I'll take pics! Roll up your stuffed tortillas and place in a baking dish. Top enchiladas with remaining green chile sauce and top with cheese. I used a vegan cheese sauce which can be found here Whole Foods Vegan Momma. I will say I only used 1 cup of water, and I added about 1 tblsp of hummus to thicken it a little. I baked my enchiladas for 10 minutes, then added the cheese sauce and broiled them for about 5 more minutes. If you don't want to add cheese just cook the enchiladas for about 20 minutes. Enjoy! Don't hesitate to ask any questions! Sorry the pictures aren't that great..I'll try better next time! ;)


  1. These look and sound really, really good. This will give me my Mexican food kick, for sure. Thanks Bidge Buns!

  2. YUM. I'm a huge fan of sweet potatoes and black beans and I love me some Mexican food like no one's business. However, no one in my family likes either (I am obviously adopted) so I'll make them all for myself.

  3. these look great! what a great combination with the sweet potato and black beans.

  4. Hey, thanks for commenting on my Quinoa Casserole. These Enchiladas look great, I pinned them!

    You can find arrowroot powder at health food stores.

  5. Oh my goodness...these look and sound SO good! You never cease to amaze me Bridget!


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