
Sunday, February 26, 2012

New Changes!

As you can see I've made a few changes to my blog! :) FlournFriends just didn't make sense after changing my diet. Mom, over at Town and Country Living came up with the name. She says it comes from a T.V. show..well Mom I've never heard of it and I'm only 26! ;) That seemed to have been the popular vote and sounded nicest in my head. So I have changed my blog name to Mrs. Green Jeans..for me, I liked it because I am going green, not only in my diet, but around my house and anywhere I can. The jeans part is because I always wear jeans. Totally true. I'm not a dress/skirt or any other kind of clothing girl. I like my jeans! I now have to get a new header, and a new button for my blog..coming soon!!! I just wanted to send out a big thanks to all those lovely ladies who are still sticking by my blogs side and supporting me through my change. I will say for my birthday yesterday I totally went off the wagon. It was my birthday so I figured I could..probably not the best excuse. I spent the afternoon at my Mom's eating an amazing brunch. I was going to go to a stir fry place that night but decided I wanted to do something more. So hubby and I headed to Hollywood not the actual Hollywood Blvd, but a movie theatre where you can eat and drink..and I mean alcohol!! It had been awhile since we'd been, and I have great memories of this place. It was somewhere hubby took me on one of our many dates. We ordered Oscar fries to share, waffle fries with cajun seasoning and cheese. Ohhhh, yeah. I ordered a vegetarian pizza that was very yummy. I also ordered a Frozen Melon Ball drink. It was soo good. Then I ordered some peanut m&m's. I totally splurged for my birthday. We saw Safe House. It was really good. I'm not the big chick flick movie go-er, I'm more of a tom-boy when it comes to movies. It was a great way to end my birthday! Even better, I get my stir-fry tonight! Woohoo! I hope you all enjoy my new changes and continue to stick around with me through my new journey!


  1. Hope you had a great birthday Bridget! Love the new blog name :)

  2. Love your new direction, way to go! Can't wait to try some of your new recipes!!!

  3. I was wondering what happened to flour and friends! Glad you are still here. :)

  4. Yay! So glad you are still here, I was wondering what happened to Flour N Friends!


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