
Sunday, September 2, 2012

Weekend Recap/Ryan and Katie's Wedding!

This Labor Day weekend we have not one wedding, but two! Zac's best friend Ryan got married. Zac and I actually met through Ryan. Their wedding was a blast! They got married at the same hotel my sister did a few months back. Instead of having a typical DJ, they had a band. Hey Jimmy was the name of the band. They were awesome!!! We all had a blast. I was a little worried at fist I wouldn't have many people to talk to since I didn't know anyone real well. I was sitting at a table with no one I knew, since Zac was a part of the bridal party. I was sitting with one of the bride's friends. She introduced herself right away and I found out she was a vegetarian as well. We had so much in common and she reminded me of myself, only very tall. She was a ton of fun and so nice. I ended up having so much fun and Ryan and Katie's family and friends were so nice and fun to hang around. Unfortunately, I didn't get too many pictures because my camera died, and I was having too much fun. Katie and Ryan, your wedding was beautiful and amazing. We are both so happy and excited for you. We hope you have a blast on your honeymoon. Ryan, thanks for bringing Zac around that one night. I don't know what I would do if I hadn't met him. Katie, I'm really enjoying becoming friends. You have some amazing friends that all say such nice things about you. I don't know you well, but you're a very sweet and caring person, and I only hope we can grow to become closer friends. We're so excited for your future together as a married couple. Our next wedding is today, one of Zac's co workers. They are getting married in their back yard. How fun! Last night was the first night we left Louie alone out of his cage. He did so well! We got home and everything was intact and he had no accidents. I'm happy it's a three day weekend. I'm looking forward to getting my extra rest on Monday. I'm also glad I'm feeling better. The past two days I thought I was getting suck. I'm not sure what it was, I just know I wasn't feeling good. Now that you know about my weekend, how was yours? What did you do? P.S..I wish I would've taken a picture of my hair. I curled it differently and it took forever..and I got so many compliments on it!

The kids...

 The Bride's beautiful dress

 Bride and Groom
 First Kiss
 So happy!

My oh so delicious vegetarian meal. It was so yummy. Eggplant ravioli!

Garter Toss

 The Groom singing some Blink 182

 The Bride singing Madonna...
 Congratulations you two! Being at their wedding makes me miss mine so much. I hope the couple had so much fun! Hope everyone has a good Labor Day weekend.


  1. That ravioli looks so good! And what a beautiful bride. Hope your wedding today was another great one!!

  2. That meal looks incredible and that cake is stunning!!

    Beautiful wedding!


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