
Sunday, September 9, 2012

We have a new addition!

We have a new addition to the family!!! No, we're not pregnant, but it's fun to tease ;) His name is Louie, and although you've kind of already met him, I decided to dedicate this post to him! We adopted Louie about 3 weeks ago. We've been looking to adopt a pup for awhile, and we finally found our perfect match. He's a good little pup, although he needs to go to puppy school for some obedience and training. :) He loves to cuddle and follow mommy and daddy around. He also loves to chase his brother Frank (our cat). Frank usually ignores him, but every once in a while he fights back. I always tell Frank he should show Louie who's boss. Frank will always be the King in our house. :) Sorry Louie.

 Daddy and I love paying catch in the yard

 Although, I'm not the best at returning the ball :)

 I love when Daddy rubs my belly, it's my favorite

 Catch me if you can, I bet you can't!

 Don't you just think I'm so cute? I know you do.

 I may be little, but I'm sneaky and fast

My big brother likes to watch me from the window. I think he's mad because he can't come outside and play. Mom and Dad get mad because he tries to escape all the time. I don't get it, why don't they just let him come out and play.
Another few things that I enjoy, is giving kisses to my mom and dad, I love my kong, and my pigs ears. I especially like to hide them in the couch where Mom and Dad can't find them. :)

We love you Louie, and of course you too Frank.


  1. Poor Frank. I'm sure he'd love to be out there running around, too. Louie is very cute. Our Jingles is an orange cat -- we have two balconies so she gets to go outside there and feels safe ... she's afraid of the big bad world. Hope your day is great. :) Tammy

  2. Awwww Louie is SO cute!!! What a precious pup! I know y'all are loving play time with him.

  3. Little Lou Pie! He's so cute, and Frank is rather dapper!


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