
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Pasta with Creamy Cajun Tomato Sauce

Oh, how I have missed my bloggy friends. It's been such a looooong time! Zac and I just recently moved and I've been so consumed by training for my half marathon, and getting ready to go back to school. A little update, we just finally moved into a lovely two bedroom house. I couldn't be more excited. We aren't homeowners yet but it's a nice starter place for us. It's also a change from an apartment. Also so nice! We have a huge fenced in yard, with plenty of weeds for me to pull, and grass for Zac to mow. :) We also have a 2.5 car garage. I love being in a house...also we were out of internet for for awhile so hence the no blogging. We are just about done here, have a few more things to unpack and hang. I will have pictures soon! :) My Mom made me this awesome sign I can't wait to show you guys. The first night we were here was not fun. Frank, my cat was scared of course as he is at any new place. It was about midnight when we found him missing. We searched the whole house and he was nowhere to be found. We figured he got out when we were throwing boxes outside. We went out with treats and kept calling for him, after about 10-15 minutes he finally came back. We were both so scared, I was so freaked out I started crying. I thought he disappeared forever. I can't imagine my life with out him right now. I'm so glad he was okay. Now he loves the house and he's loving all the windows he gets to look out. :)

As for my half marathon training it's going pretty well. I really owe my Mom for all the help and support she has given me. Mom, I love you and I couldn't do as well with out your help and support. She pushes me so much and is so encouraging. I will admit at the end of our long runs when she makes me speed up I want to be not so nice to her, but I keep it to myself. :) Sorry Mom! I want her to be proud of me so I just do it! I'm glad she is here to help! Yesterday we did some speed workouts...yeah so not fun! We ran a mile around the track and then did 1/4 mile sprints-or ran as fast as we was hard, I felt like I wanted to throw up, my hip hurt, and my foot hurt. It was rough. We did that a total of four times. Then we ran three miles. It was my least favorite! I pushed through though. My Mom says a lot of times it's mind over matter. I totally agree, and if she wasn't there I probably wouldn't have done it. When it gets hard I tell myself I'm doing it for my Grandma. She has Alzheimers and is currently in the hospital due to a UTI. I hate to see her struggle and she is so important to me. I have many child hood memories with my grandparents. I can't imagine my life with out them either, and the older they get the more worried I become. I love you to pieces Grandma!!!! So when the running gets tough I power through for her, it seems to be the one thing that really works.

As for school...I've decided to go back to get my RN. Right now my dream is to become a midwife. I'll have to get my masters for that, and yes that might take me a very long time, but it will be totally worth it in the end! I  am starting school August 20th. Being a full time student, a full time nanny, and training for a half marathon will be rough but I can do it! :) Okay, so on to the recipe. I have to say I made this up...and I'm not bragging but, I'm pretty good! ;)  I used my Mom's heirloom tomatoes from her garden. They are soooo good. Thanks Mom! Again, I love you so much and am so thankful for you. I couldn't do this training and be so great with out you.

Pasta with Creamy Cajun Tomato Sauce
4 heirloom tomatoes cut in pieces
1-2 tblsp olive oil
kosher or sea salt and black pepper
4 tblsp butter
onion powder
garlic powder
red pepper flakes
1/4 c white wine
1/4 c whole milk
1/2 c half and half
1/2 c fresh shredded parmesean
pasta of your choice

I didn't have onions, or garlic for this so that's why I used the powder. If you have onions and garlic please use! It was still delicious with out it.
Heat oil over medium heat in skillet, add chopped up tomatoes and heat for about 15-20 minutes. Puree for about 25 seconds and return to skillet. After you have pureed your tomatoes get your pasta water ready, (always heavily salted!) Cook pasta until al dente. Before draining reserve 1/4 c to 1/2 c of pasta water and add to tomato puree. While the pasta is cooking add wine and seasonings to tomato sauce. Boil for a few minutes to reduce the wine.  Add whole milk and half and half. Add cheese and melt. Add pasta to sauce and cook for another 2-3 minutes. Serve and top with cheese. Enjoy! :) 


 Frank's new favorite spot!


  1. Yay! Congrats on your new place!

    That recipe sounds delish! Yum!!!

  2. Congrats on the move!! How exciting! And this looks soooooooooo yummy. I wanna make it ASAP!

  3. Frank!! He looks so content. It's okay if you don't like me at the end of our long runs because I make you run faster. But the fact remains ... you're able to do it! :) And now that I know thinking about Grandma motivates you, I'll use that when I need to prod you on! Your recipe sounds really good and your pictures look great! But ugh - you turned word verification back on. Didn't elminating anonymous commenting get rid of the spam you were getting?

  4. That pasta looks amazing! *Drool*


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