
Monday, July 2, 2012

Bean and Quinoa Extravaganza

I'm going to start off by saying that I love this bowl of deliciousness! It's also extremely healthy which is a total plus. Have you tried quinoa yet? Check out all the health benefits here. If you haven't tried it you really should. It's very similar to rice but fluffier. You can use it in so many recipes too! I kind of just made this recipe up and it really works. I do enjoy it so much because of the salsa I use. It adds a little spice to this dish. Feel free to add any extra ingredients or substitute anything out. This is another very versatile dish. Mmm!
Bean and Quinoa Extravaganza
1 c uncooked quinoa
1/2 c to 1c black beans
1/2 red bell pepper chopped
salsa of your choice to taste

Cook quinoa, this was a daunting task my first time around but now I totally know what I'm doing. I always have to add more water than what it calls for. I don't even measure anymore I just boil some water and cook the quinoa. You'll know the quinoa is done when it's puffed up and very fluffy and has absorbed all the water. If you'd like a tutorial visit this page, she explains it better than me! How to cook quinoa. You'll most likely have leftovers as this makes a lot. Heat up your beans or cook them according to directions. I'm a fan of buying in bulk to save money and free myself of BPA lined cans. :) After the quinoa and beans are cooked, ladle them into a bowl, top with chopped raw bell peppers (my fave!) and top with cilantro and salsa. I use fresh picked cilantro from my garden! :) I also use hot salsa from Trader Joe's in the refrigerated section. It's so good I love it. I had this the other day with out TJ's salsa and it just wasn't the same. I like fresh and spicy! This recipe is so simple and easy yet it's very good. We all know how much of a fan I am of easy, healthy recipes. I hope you enjoy!

 Yum! How delicious and fresh does that look? You know you want to dive in!


  1. Looks yummy! I love quinoa. Never made it, but I've had it at restaurants.

  2. I haven't tried quinoa but everyone is talking about the health benefits.

    I will have to try it!

    This recipe sounds delish!!

  3. I keep hearing stuff about quinoa..I need to try it. This looks so take the best pictures!

  4. So simple and fresh - GREAT use of quinoa!! :)

  5. Hi, I'm popping over from Debbie's Linky party! I saw your recipe and I had to check it out! We love to eat healthy too! We love to incorporate beans in dishes too! We also tend to eat a lot of seafood.

    I'm now your newest Follower and I'm going to pin your recipe on my Food board! I can't wait to make this recipe!


  6. Holy crap that looks so good! Very seasonal! Thanks for the post/recipe!


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