
Friday, May 25, 2012

So many thoughts

Okay so I've totally flaked out on everyone lately and I'm sure I've lost some followers :(. I really need to get better at this blog thing. It's just been hard and time consuming lately. I've been working my butt off at work and the gym. I'm officially a vegan on a is that even possible? Well I've slashed my calories and gotten more serious about what I eat and counting calories. Boring! So hard. I'm sorry but I like cookies and brownies and breads and chocolate and pizza and fries..literally everything that's bad for you I want to consume. It's so frustrating, but I need to stay focused because I strongly dislike my body. Im not confident and I'm embarrassed. Embarrased about how I look and feel. I constantly think about it. Not good, that's when I know I need to change for me. So I will start this journey and hope it ends well and eventually be able to enjoy the things I love in life in small doses and in moderation. :) that's probably why I haven't been posting so much..I'm not going to show you pictures of the red peppers I had for snacks or the 10 almonds..yess I said 10. I can do this! I will have a bikini body! If I don't shame on me. Okay, I thought I was done talking about that. Anyhoo, I've decided maybe I need to start crafting more and blog about that! Another reason for lack of posts is because I just got a second job working at whole foods..yeah discount! Zac and I are trying to save up for a house, which hopefully we will own one by next year. I'm excited to say we're moving to a super nice apartment soon and well be getting a dog! Yay! I can't wait to decorate w all the cute new things I've bought. I'll be sure to post pics for you all! I promise to get back to baking soon! I have a few projects in mind I need to get started so I can share w everyone. So thanks to all of you who have stuck around!


  1. Oh Bridget, you made my heart ache for you with this post. You are such a beautiful, young woman. You shouldn't be embarrassed how you look ... you're so cute! I've always told you that you're beautiful, both inside and out. I understand you want your body to look different (what woman doesn't? Even Christie Brinkley didn't like her body when she was a supermodel). I understand it, but try not to let your self-esteem be wrapped up in your appearance. You can do this ... but do it more for your health than your appearance. Love you!!

  2. Yay! Excited to read this and excited for your new posts!

    Congrats on the decision to lead a healthier life, it is so hard!


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