
Monday, April 30, 2012

Healthy Cookie Fix

What's your favorite kind of cookie? Mine, chocolate chip, yep that's right chocolate chip. My absolute favorite go to cookie. Mmm, that smell, that taste, even the cookie dough is good---probably why I grew muffin tops. Well, guess what muffin tops? Healthy cookie is gonna move you out! (I hope) So I used to make chocolate chip cookies at least once a month. I was so addicted to the dough that by the time said cookies were done baking I didn't want any because I had had too much dough. When I think of this now I'm like of course I'm not a Victoria's Secret model, they don't eat cookie dough do they? If they do I hate them. No, not hate that's a bad word...I despise them. Anyhoo, I was totally craving some chocolate after dinner and I've been doing a lot better w/ not gorging out on chocolate every day so I decided you know what I deserve a healthier version of a chocolate chip cookie! I stumbled upon these beauties on Pinterest and noticed I had all the ingredients. Even better. They are also quick to make. While making them I thought to myself, now I will totally be making these when I have crazy pregnancy cravings. No I'm not pregnant. :) Sorry Mom. How did I start talking about babies, I thought this post was about cookies?! Okay, so cookies...this recipe came from Lux Hippie, vegan blog..great! Check her out. I love her header..or title or whatever you want to call it. Hmm, speaking of header I need to get on that. Or should I say have my Mom get on that? ;) She's amazing, she makes my life easier. Oh, man these cookies are good. I keep side tracking! Okay, so these cookies are amaze! You need to go make them now if you love chocolate chip cookies as much as I do. Life is better with cookies. Yes, I've been focusing on weight loss lately and hitting the gym hard. I am also human and a girl needs her cookies. Whatever! :) So I'll give you the recipe now and you choose to do what you want with it. I only hope you go make! Or I'll send  you some, if I don't eat them all first.

Healthy...(healthier) Chocolate Chip Cookies
3 ripe bananas mashed
1 tblsp vanilla
1/2c to 1c peanut butter (depending on taste) I used a little less than a 1/2 cup
4 tblsp honey or agave nectar to make vegan
2 c rolled oats
1/2 c whole wheat flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 c vegan chocolate chips ( I used about 3/4c ;) )

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix bananas, vanilla, peanut butter and syrup until consistent. Lux Hippie says to use a mixer, I just used my fork that I used to mash my nanners, yeah I was a little lazy! She also says to mix the dry ingredients in a separate bowl as well, what do you think I did? Yeah, I just used one bowl it worked out fine. Like I said I was lazy! :) and hungry for a darn cookie. Okay, so bake for about 15 minutes.I baked mine for 14. I always like my cookies a little under baked. I ate these pretty much right out of the oven and loooved them! Please go make them, they are super easy and way healthier than other cookies. I would advise you to not eat the dough as the oats are not yet cooked. Don't worry I didn't eat any! I do hope you enjoy this. My heart is happy! it still healthy if I ate four?..why I don't make cookies anymore!

 Before I baked these little puppies...

 You know you want to get your fingers on that....


  1. You're right. I do wanna get my fingers on that! I'm with you ... I like my cookies slightly under baked.

  2. I am totally a cookie addict..I would eat them all the time, and chocolate chip IS my all time favourite. Thanks for visiting my blog! I love the sounds and looks of your healthier version :-)

  3. Might have to give these a try. Definitely going to Pin them!

  4. YES! I've mentioned a few times to my husband this past week how much I'm CRAVING chocolate chip cookies. This looks like the perfect cure!

  5. I am looking forward to trying your healthy chocolate chip cookies. They really do look great! Thanks for linking up to Tempt My Tummy Tuesday. I have featured your recipe in this weekend's Tempt My Tummy {Spotlight}.

  6. Just took the first sheet out of the oven....uumm they are great! Thanks for sharing a great recipe.

  7. Hi Bridget. I hopped over here from your mom's blog. We would love to have you join our first ever Tasty Tuesday Linky party next week with one of your yummy creations! We are new followers!

    -Liz and Holley

  8. So I am following you but when I click on the link in my dashboard it takes me to your old blog that states that the link no longer exists? something like that.

    So I saw your comment today and clicked on it that way I can see if I can see your blog and sure enough, it is right here! Not sure why it won't let me see it through my dashboard.

    Anyway, continue blogging! I love your recipes and was sad when I thought I lost your blog!


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