
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Time for a Change!

I've been doing a lot of research lately on what I put into my body and what nasty things are in foods, and processed foods, and basically how the FDA is a whole joke. I recently read a book called The Beginners Guide To Natural Living, by Larry Cook. Okay, so this book was written awhile ago, but I still find all of it to be useful and mostly true. I recommend this book to anyone and everyone who cares about what food is out there and what you put into your body. Right now I'm trying to get the hubby to read it. I know he doesn't care as much as I do, but I think if he read it he'd be disgusted just as much as I was. It talks about food, supplements, water, exercise, the list goes on. I think I finished this book in a week. :) Now some of you might think it's a little intense, or don't agree with it, well then don't read it, it's not for you. I've been finding myself so grossed out with all the information out there and how much pesticides and basically the poison they put into our food. Larry says try to eat organic where ever you can. Yes, it's way more expensive, but I'd like to know that I'm putting good food into my body, and of course I'm sure not all organic is perfectly clear of pesticides and other things but it's definitely better than non-organic. I could go on and on and on about how messed up the FDA is, and how Monsanto is a horrible company, and how meats and processed foods are packed with stuff that's not good for your body, and stripped of vitamins and minerals..there is literally so much information out there. I'd suggest if you're interested in any of this to read his book and do as much research as you can. There's many books out there. We all know sources can come from anywhere but I believe in what I believe! (And I'm not saying I believe in everything I read!) All of this research and info is really leading me to want to lead a healthy vegan/gluten free lifestyle. Yeah, yeah some people say it's hard and don't do it...well of course it's is hard, but at least I'll know I'm putting good things into my body instead of processed junk that doesn't do anything for my body. Gluten isn't good for anyone, so why not eat gluten free where ever I can? There are so many blogs out there right now that are vegan or gluten free, so I have confidence in my fellow bloggers to find me some great food to eat. Now, I'm not saying I won't ever eat dairy, or gluten ever again, or that it won't be a process to get to that point..I'm just saying if I can sub dairy, and gluten, and have it taste great, what do I have to lose? I've thought about changing my diet for a long time..a diet is something that's a lifestyle change, not a plan to lose 10lbs in one month and then go back to eating normally, let's face it ladies this doesn't work! If you want to lose weight and feel better you really have to try, you have to change your diet, and work out a lot! I actually love working out, I look forward to it every week, so maybe I don't every day but it relieves stress, and I get to see my bff and chat! It's also good to eat everything raw, and whole if you can. My newest thing lately is green smoothies for breakfast. It's a great way to get in fruits and veggies. There are endless options to choose from when it comes to smoothies. I also am eating a salad every night with dinner..the healthy kind of course! The iceburg lettuce doesn't do much. You gotta go with the greens, the spinach mix, kale, and spring mix. I throw in some blueberries, or walnuts or cucumbers, avocados..stuff like that...and then I drizzle my salads with oil and balsamic vinegar. I also try to eat vegetables and fruits through out the day with lunch and for a snack. Now, ladies if I can do this..YOU can do it too. I'm a pretty picky eater, getting better...but I went from eating chicken all the time and junk..processed food, pop, barely any veggies or fruits. It really isn't that hard once you get it down. You just have to care enough and it has to be a choice you'd like to make. I also used to eat chocolate or refined sugar 3x a day..gross! Now, I'm not eating it that much, obviously I still do in moderation, just not as much..hey I did graduate school as a pastry chef ;)  I'm also wanting to eat better so that I look and feel better, and for my future kids..I don't want them eating a lot of that.."garbage" I'm hoping my kids will eat what mommy eats. I feel if that's how I'm eating while I'm pregnant and I don't start them off with processed, sugar loaded foods, and fries that they won't want it, but maybe I'm wrong..I'd like to think I'm right :) I definitely think this will be a process and I'm starting slow so I don't get too overwhelmed.  Call me crazy, I'm sure many people do, but guess what? I don't care! I'm happy about my change and I'm very strongly opinionated about it..if any of you have any comments or questions or anything please feel free to add. I love hearing from all of you and I hope this post wasn't too boring! :) As part of this post, don't forget about heart healthy February and Veggie Valentine's! My Mom and I will be posting veggie recipes through out the month so please check them out!!! Grab my button if you'd like to join in on the fun and spread the word!!! Visit my Mom's blog over at: Town and Country Living..she makes some great meals, she's also a vegetarian, and she's very crafty!!

Town and Country Living


  1. very good information! You're right buying all organic can get expensive, but maybe if we do at least the produce and meats organic to start off it will begin to get us used to it. I've been thinking of planting a garden too. Much more cost effective, if only I knew how to garden!

  2. i am ready to try some vegetarian meals. not planning on becoming one but i think it would be good to have a few staple vegetarian meals that i enjoy.

    and i always say start small ... i can't buy everything organic but i can start. little steps.

  3. Very informative post! We really gotta try and eat better and buy more's hard! We are such meat and potatoes people.

  4. Great post! I try to get all organic foods and straight from the farm whenever I can.

  5. I am so glad that you posted about this! Changing a diet is SO hard and I am looking forward to your future posts on it. Very inspirational! I am such a picky eater that I hardly like any fruits or veggies, I'd love it if you shared some recipes that you find along the way!

  6. Whitney-Of course I will share my new recipes!!! I will try and cover all the fields and hopefully you can soon find some yummy veggies to try!

  7. I'm eating an ice cream cone right now! :O If you want another book to read ... try The China Report. VERY good info on food. I believe most of today's diseases are a result of what we put in our bodies. Our society, as a whole, practices horrible nutrition. And it starts with the children. Just look at school lunches. Why people criticize Michelle Obama for trying to improve school lunch programs is beyond me. I'll stop now otherwise this comment will be really long. :)


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