
Monday, February 6, 2012

Spaghetti Squash Primavera

My first post for Veggie Valentines, and it's delicious. I found this recipe over at Clean Eating should check out her blog it's pretty awesome. She's a vegetarian, well lot's of her recipes are vegan/gluten free, which I totally dig. Have I expressed my thoughts of having a vegan/gluten free diet? Well, I'll save that for a later post! Anyways, I've never had spaghetti squash before and I've seen it popping up a lot lately and when I saw this recipe I knew I had to give it a go for part of my Veggie Valentine's. What is Veggie Valentine's? It's just something my Mom and I came up with for the month of February being heart healthy. We decided we would post some veggie recipes through out the month of February. I was all in as I'm trying to change my diet and eat more veggies. Anyone can par take and I'll have a button at the end of the post, you can grab it and post it on your page and have fun with Veggie Valentine's as well! Be sure to check out my Mom's blog and look for her Veggie Valentine's as well! She makes some great stuff and is a vegetarian too, Town and Country Living is the name of her blog. This dish was really easy to make and very delicious!

Spaghetti Squash Primavera
1 spaghetti squash, halved and deseeded
1/2 onion, cut into large chunks
1/2 pepper (I used orange), cut into large chunks
1/2 zucchini, cut into large chunks
2 carrots, roughly diced
handful of spinach
1 tbsp. olive oil
4 tbsp. hummus (I used roasted red pepper)
3 tbsp. nutritional yeast
3 basil leaves, chopped
sprinkle of oregano
salt, pepper, and garlic to taste

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Half your squash and take all the seeds out, kind of like you would treat a pumpkin! Don't be intimidated :), place it on a baking sheet with the middle side down, so it lays flat! I placed mine on a parchment lined pan, and bake for 30 minutes.Don't over bake or it will be jiggly Chelsey says..I was a little worried at first because I had just made this for the first time. I baked mine for 40 minutes and it was perfect. You can always pull it out and take a fork and basically scrape the squash, then you'll know whether it's done or not! While the squash is baking, heat a saute pan with your oil and saute veggies until soft, add in spinach at end just to wilt. Feel free to add any other veggies or substitute them if you'd like. When your squash is done baking and cool if you can be patient enough, scrape the insides with a fork, and it looks like spaghetti! How cool?! Toss with the yeast, (which isn't yeast at all see note below) and the hummus, spices and rest of your veggies. Enjoy! I thought this was pretty tasty :)

What the heck is nutritional yeast you might ask? It's a powder that is used for flavoring, it has a nutty, cheese flavor that vegans favor. Some nutritional yeast is fortified with B vitamins. If you'd like more info on nutritional yeast click here: Wikipedia-Nutritional Yeast. I didn't use this, although I wish I had, it was still good with out it, but I'm interested in how it would have turned out.

Town and Country Living


  1. I've never had spaghetti squash but have always wanted to try it. I'll have to make this recipe, for sure.

  2. Love the healthy recipe, never had nutritional yeast before I'm curious to try it!

  3. Love spaghetti squash! Only wish I could get the boys to love it too :)

  4. This is making my mouth water!! You are such a fabulous cook Bridget!

  5. Thsi spaghetti looks so delicious!!!

  6. I need this recipe in my life!! Hope you share it tomorrow at my famous linkz party!!


  7. I'd love to Heather! Thanks ladies!

  8. Sounds delicious Bridget! Love all the ingredients. Thanks so much for linking up to Tasty Tuesdays!


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