
Sunday, January 1, 2012

Wedding, revisited

This is an addition to my previous Wedding post. I knew when I started the wedding planning I wanted something different. I'm not into the crazy, big, fantastic weddings. A friend of mine recommended this barn and it all started from there! I started googling barn weddings, eco-chic weddings, DIY weddings, green weddings, and rustic weddings. That's when I found my theme..well it wasn't really a specific theme I should say more of an idea to run with. I was really happy with the theme of my wedding. You might look at my wedding and say it's country, and I believe it is a little but not to the extreme. I did grow up in a small town after all. I don't wear cowboy boots on a day to day basis or really ever at all, but hey I wanted something fun and after all I did get married in a big red barn so I thought it was only perfect. I also saw several pictures of bridesmaids in cowboy boots and I fell in love. If you look at the boots they aren't even authentic cowboy boots, I just thought boots and dresses was too cute! I chose sunflowers because again, I saw so many pictures of barn weddings with sunflowers and I was really interested in them. One of my really great friends did the flowers for us. Another one of my really good friends I graduated Pastry school with made my cake. Isn't it beautiful? It was absolutely perfect! I still have the cake topper sitting on my tv cabinet, that sits on top of the cake board-a slab of tree! Which again I got the idea for online. I'm telling you I think I got most all my ideas from the internet. I know, creative right? :) It was my inspiration! I remember the day I came up with the colors for the cake, green and brown, "ewe" is what most people would'll see it worked perfectly! I was working on cakes one day and saw this awesome green color paired with chocolate frosting and I said, "Those are my wedding colors!" This was before I was even engaged..I knew I would be soon it's all my husband and I had talked about at the time. I'd have to say I wouldn't have the wedding I did without my Mom. The engagement process wasn't always the prettiest, I lost my best friend after 10 years, and my Mom and I hit some rough patches. I think we were both expecting something different from each other and there was a lot of miscommunication. Weddings are stressful, but very happy times. Needless, to say my Mom and I worked out our differences and I love her to death. I could've never had the wedding I did with out her, one of the things I wish I could change..things that happened with my wonderful, amazing Mother. She made burlap banners, table cloths, helped with cleaning up the day after, setting up the day before, she helped pay for many things, she made name it she helped with it. I am forever thankful for all her creativity help. I also wish I would have danced with her more at my wedding, I think I just got so caught up in the moment. Anyways, I love you Mom you're amazing! If you would like to see more of her awesome work head over to Town and Country Living. She's a great cook, an amazing Mother, a marathoner, a DIY-er, an all around helper, she's wonder woman :)
This is one of my favorite pictures
My sister getting ready, puttin them boots on!

Here are the programs my Mom worked so hard on and made sure they were perfect! She also got chalkboards, glued burlap on them and we placed them in a rustic burlap lined wheelbarrow..I wish more of the wheelbarrow was in the picture.
I get a lot of positive comments on my veil, I didn't want the traditional long veil, so not my style. I had seen these around and knew I wanted to wear one with a flower. Flower was bought at Target for about $7 and the veil was made by another friend!
 Sorry Mom, I had to put this up. I absolutely love it. This picture says it all :)

 Whose that young fellow, you might ask? That would be my little brother! He's goofy like me and he did such an amazing job, kept it short, sweet, and comical. I can't thank him enough for what he did. I wanted my wedding to be as personal as I could make it!
Here's the girls in their boots!
So proud of my bro!

This is me..crying as I'm reading my vows. We wrote our own, they were pretty much the same! I wish I would have saved those cards!!!
You may now kiss sister! Yeah, that happened :)

 Our first dance, I love my new hubbys face here. We danced to Brad Paisley's Then, so perfect
 My Dad surprised me with a video of when I was a little girl, I cried the whole time. It was one of my favorite memories from the wedding

My Mom bustin' a could I have gotten so caught up that I didn't dance with her? It's beyond me, she's got some moves and check out those legs! :) My Mom's probably laughing right now! I guess I'll just have to dance with her at my sister's wedding in June!

This was our guest book, it's a poster I found on Etsy. I struggled for awhile trying to figure out what I wanted and I decided with this.
 I found this online too, so I had my Mom make something to hang on the back of our chairs. Isn't she so crafty?
That's the hubby, with my Mom. I believe this was the dollar dance..which I had never heard of until about 4 months before my wedding and I thought what a fun idea let's do it. My DJ then told me he likes to make it a competition..even better idea, we made over $200!!! See below!

Here she is again dancing with her hubby :)
If you look up you can see the lit barn with the pretty I wish we would've gotten a better picture!
To check out the rest of the wedding photography click here to redirect to earlier wedding post Wedding pt 1
As seen on: Its a Blog Party
Lamb Around
Creative Mondays
The Girl Creative
Make it Great Monday 


  1. Such beautiful wedding photos! You were a stunning bride. Thank you for following fun with the fullwoods...returning the favor! :)

  2. Thanks Brittany! I love your blog

  3. Beautiful wedding photos,Thank you for joining us at Creative Mondays :)

  4. Thanks for having me Clairejustine!

  5. Love all the pics! Looks like you had an awesome wedding and me being from TX I love the boots :) I'm your newest follower!

  6. Thanks Candice I'll be sure to check out your blog next!

  7. Oh I already have checked out your blog and became a follower silly me :) I like your blog a lot

  8. Awww, Birj. This post put a smile on my face. You deserved to have the perfect wedding! It was so much fun helping you coordinate it all and doing the decorating.

  9. We did dance one dance together ... the dollar dance!


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