
Sunday, January 1, 2012

Classic Mac n Cheese

Mac n Cheese, something I must be really picky about because I've tried so many recipes and have only found about 2 that I will ever make again. I really do enjoy some good mac n cheese. I'm so glad this recipe worked out because I was really close to giving up on making my own. This is pretty easy to make and just your standard mac and cheese but it's good! Very good. I wish I had some right now. I never really thought I liked adding breadcrumbs to my mac and cheese but I like it here. Adds a nice crunch, and it's not overpowering. Okay, on to the recipe! I hope you enjoy it just as much as I did. 
I made this in these cute little new pots my sister bought me for my wedding! Thanks sis. 

Classic Mac n Cheese
2 cups Toasted Bread Crumbs
1 pound pasta shapes
6 Tbs unsalted butter
2 medium garlic cloves, minced
1 tsp dry mustard
1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
6 Tbs all-purpose flour
2 1/4 cups low-sodium chicken or vegetable broth
3 1/2 cups milk (low-fat is fine)
1 pound colby jack cheese, shredded (about 4 cups)
8 oz extra-sharp cheddar, shredded (about 2 cups)
ground black pepper
I halved this recipe due to the fact it's just my husband and I eating. We still had leftovers!  Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Cook pasta in a heavily salted pot of water until al dente. Drain pasta and set aside. Melt butter in another pot and add in garlic, mustard, and cayenne. Cook until fragrant. Stir in flour and heat until golden. Whisk in broth and milk slowly and bring to a boil. Whisking often cook until large bubbles form and it's slightly thickened. This should take about 10-15 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in cheeses and melt. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Add pasta to cheese sauce until combined. Pour into a greased baking dish and sprinkle with crumb topping. Bake uncovered, until sauce bubbles and crumbs are crisp.

Bake uncovered, until the sauce is bubbling and the crumbs are crisp, 25-35 minutes.


  1. Ooooh, this is just what I want. So comforting. Thanks so much for your comment on I'm happy to be your newest follower :)

  2. Thanks Marina! I appreciate the following and look forward to being a follower on your blog as well!

  3. Looks delish! Mac & cheese is probably my favorite dish & I agree, it's hard to find a good recipe! Thanks for sharing =)

    -caroline @ c.w.frosting

  4. Now this is a recipe that a vegetarian like me can enjoy! I'll have to try this one. And I'm with you, haven't found any great Mac n Cheese recipes so far.

  5. I have also tried SO many M&C recipes and hubs has not been satisfied with any - so I am ALWAYS up to try a new one! Once family is out of town again we'll have to give it a try. PINNED

  6. Oh yummy! I would love for you to join the weekly linky at Bacon Time fri-monday, come strut your stuff.

  7. Let me know how this works out for you ladies! I'd love to hear feedback. I will have to make my other mac n cheese recipe that I enjoy as well. Mindie I'd love to strut my stuff on your blog party thanks for the invite!

  8. yum! Yum! Yum! This is a keeper. I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.
    I am going to make this this wk! Thanks!

  9. I hope it works out momto8! I'm now your newest follower, thanks for stopping by!

  10. I am completely in love with homemade mac & cheese. Thanks for shaing this fabulous recipe!

  11. Hey! Just stopping by to let you know that I featured you on Savory Sunday! Come on over and link up!! Have a great week!!

  12. Love that there's an entire tab dedicated to pasta!! My kind of blog :)


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