
Sunday, March 17, 2013

Just DIY it :)

Long time no see everyone, I've been absent from the blogging world for quite some time now, as you know I'm in school and don't have much time to focus on my blog these days! However, it is spring break and I thought I could share some DIY recipes with you this weekend. I haven't been cooking as much anymore either which totally bums me out!! I also miss all my bloggy friends that I visit. Sorry for the lack of visitation on my part.
I've decided to start making my own deodorant, toothpaste and lotion. I've decided to do this not only because it's frugal-but also because it cuts down on the chemicals I put into/on my body. So if you're looking to do the same I'm about to share some great recipes! I'm all about making your own beauty/cleaning products.

All Purpose Cleaner:
1 old all purpose cleaning bottle-or spray bottle of your choice (make sure you wash this out with hot water and soap as much as possible to rid the chemicals)
3 Cups hot water
4 Tblsp vinegar
1 tsp washing soda-can be found in most stores in the dishwasher/laundry detergent aisle.
1 tsp liquid castile soap
5 drops Tea tree oil
5 drops Young Living Thieves oil-if you don't have any young living oils you can omit this. I just received my oils and wanted to add Thieves into the mix for its antibacterial properties. You can play around with which oils you'd like to add!

Add all these ingredients to your bottle, shake up and it's ready for use! I've been using this stuff for awhile and it always works great.

Deodorant: This recipe is from a friend and I used this method: Homemade Deodorant
4 Tblsp baking soda
4 Tbslp corn starch
1/2 C coconut oil
2 Tblsp beeswax
10 drops essential oils of your choice
1/4 C coconut oil
2 1/2 Tblsp beeswax
1oz shea butter
1/4 C baking soda
1/4 C arrowroot powder
20-40 drops essential oils ( I used lavender, peace and calming and tea tree)

Melt coconut oil, beeswax and shea butter (if using)  over medium heat, once melted, turn of heat and add dry ingredients and mix until smooth. Add in the essential oils of your choice and let cool. Once it gets to a pudding-like consistency you can scrape it into an old deodorant container. Refrigerate until cool and hardened, after this you can leave it on the counter at room temperature.

I started making my own deodorant because it's cheaper, and to avoid the harsh chemicals they add.
Aluminum is a heavy metal and has been linked to Alzheimer' thank you! You'll also see propylene glycol on many deodorants which is a toxin. (I've also read a link between propylene glycol and antifreeze)

Toothpaste: Revised from :Nourishing Joy and Delicious Obsessions
4 Tblsp coconut oil
4 Tblsp bentonite clay
2 Tblsp baking soda
3/4 tsp stevia powder
1/2 tsp ground sea salt
30-40 drops peppermint oil
water as needed

Mix dry ingredients in a glass container. Add in coconut oil and mix with a fork until combined, add the peppermint oil and mix, if your mix is still clumpy/dry feel free to add as much water as needed. Add the water slowly. You can then transfer to a container of your choice. I used a shallow mason jar. I   immediately had to test this out, it might take a few brushings for me to get used to, but my teeth feel clean! It is a little weird to spit out brown-green toothpaste but I think I can get used to it. I was also worried as I have a strong disliking for coconut oil, but you can't even taste it which is even better! You do have to rinse your mouth out a little more, but it's worth it for me. Feel free to play around with different flavors and different oils.

The coconut oil will give your mouth a nice satin feel..also have any of you ever tried oil pulling? It's great for getting rid of toxins in your mouth/teeth. I tried this with coconut oil and about gagged! However, you can do it with olive oil instead. In this recipe you can't taste the coconut oil so it works out perfectly.
I like using fluoride-free toothpaste as I've read many negative blogs on fluoride. Global Healing Center
Folks, please do your own research, as I have done my own. I choose to believe what I want and what I put into my own body.

The bentonite clay is also a great toxin remover. If you'd like to learn more you can here: Health and Beauty benefits of clay. You can use this for several things and it can be ordered on Amazon.

Baking Soda is seen in many toothpastes and sometimes people use this alone to brush their teeth. This is used to clean and whiten your teeth!

Stevia powder is just added as a little bit of a sweetener and is optional, I've also seen recipes using xylitol.

Oils are used for flavor and their antibacterial purposes

Salt is for the abrasive and neutralizing the acid in your mouth.

**As always I use unrefined/organic where I can. I'm always looking for the best of ingredients. I bought all my ingredients on Amazon. Some of these ingredients can be found in stores as well.**

I'm all for being frugal and making my own chemical/toxin free products.

I will be adding the lotion recipe when I run out of my current Burt's Bee's lotion!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Caprese Roll Ups

You know what I can never turn down? Caprese. It's fresh, simple and delicious. I had some caprese with a friend recently and was craving more so I decided to incorporate it into lasagna roll ups that I have made before. These are super easy to make as well :)

slightly adapted from: Cooking Classy
Caprese Lasagna Roll Ups
8 lasagna noodles
14 oz low-moisture mozzarella cheese
3/4 c ricotta
1 egg white
4 roma tomatoes
1/4 c shredded parmesean
salt and pepper

Marinara Sauce
28 oz crushed tomatoes
2 tblsp oil
1/4 onion, minced
4 garlic cloves, minced
salt and pepper

Cook lasagna noodles until al dente or according to package. Mine only took 4 minutes! :) While the noodles are cooking mix ricotta, egg white and salt and pepper. Slice the mozzarella cheese into thin pieces. I think the next time I make this recipe I will use fresher mozzarella. (I didn't this time because it wasn't recommended, but I think I can make it work!) Once the noodles are cooked drain and set on parchment paper. Once cooled, spread ricotta/egg mixture on noodles. Then line noodles with sliced mozzarella and tomatoes (like caprese!) Add some sliced basil, oil, salt and pepper and roll them up! After you've done this you can set them aside while making the marinara. Just combine all ingredients and voila! Layer casserole dish with marinara sauce and add lasagna roll ups. Cover the lasagna rolls with some more sauce and add some shredded parmesean and top with more basil! Bake at 350 for 30 minutes.

When I took this out of the oven my house was filled with an amazing garlic smell! I absolutely love garlic. This dish tastes light and fresh! I will be making this again. I hope you enjoy!

 Cheese, Freshly sliced tomatoes, Fresh cracked pepper, Chiffonade basil
Gotta love fresh tomatoes and cheese!

So I decided to use Picasa to edit my photos this time. I like it more than my old editing system, but seriously a huge pain. I've been trying to edit and save the photos forever and then they either don't save or I can't find them. I should maybe find something else to use! Or maybe I should just figure out how to use it! ;)

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Years!

Happy New Years everyone! Did you do anything fun? Zac and I didn't. We decided to stay in this year just because I never seem to have fun, and honestly I think it's over rated. We didn't even stay up for the countdown. I was so tired I passed out but the neighbors lit fireworks so technically I was up at midnight. :) This morning I ran with my mom and her running group for 1:01:13, you know for New Years!
Some of my New Years resolutions are:
1) Eat healthier
2) Eat less sugar
3) Keep up with running and working out
4) Practice yoga and meditation
5) Stay positive/calm/free/and at peace

I know kind of a lot right? Most of these things I already do I just want to do them BETTER. I have changed a lot this past year and I'm really liking the changes I've made and now I just need to make them stronger. :)
Do you have any New Years resolutions? I think this year has a lot of positive amazing things in store for me!