
Sunday, April 1, 2012

Vegan Chocolate Chip Pancakes and Caramelized Bananas

Did I ever tell you how much I enjoy and love chocolate chip pancakes? Yum! I have been craving them the past few Sundays, no I'm not pregnant! :) You'll all have to wait awhile for that! Sundays are my days for being lazy and catching up on things I didn't get to do over the week. Or just sitting on the couch and blogging. Sunday is also my day I dedicate to my long runs. I will not be doing that this Sunday! Mom thinks I have bursitis and should take the next few days off from cardio. Not cool! I need my cardio, but my leg/hip has been killing me for the past week and I really just want to feel better, so rest it is! The husband and I might go on a motorcycle ride later today to Starved Rock. We shall see, right now it's wet and gloomy! So back to my pancakes! Do you enjoy pancakes? What are your usual Sunday plans?

Vegan Chocolate Chip Pancakes
1 C flour (your choice) I've used whole wheat pastry flour and King Arthur Organic Whole Wheat Flour
2 tblsp baking powder
1 1/2-2 C soy or almond milk (if you're not vegan feel free to use regular milk)
2 tblsp vegetable oil
vegan chocolate chips

Place skillet on stove and let heat up over medium heat. While skillet is heating up mix all ingredients except for chocolate chips together. Whisk until smooth. If you like your pancakes a little thicker use less milk, if you like them a little thinner add more milk. Once your batter is mixed and skillet is heated add oil or spray to your pan and start making your pancakes! I add my chocolate chips to my pancakes while they are in the pan. Not many people have chocolate chips in their pancakes so feel free to omit them!

Caramelized Bananas
1 banana
2tbslp organic brown sugar
1tbslp earth balance (or butter if you're not vegan)
1 tblsp soy milk or almond milk (heavy cream if not vegan)

Slice and sear bananas over medium heat in a large skillet for about 1 minute. Once seared push aside and add brown sugar, earth balance, and milk. Heat and mix up until thickened. Reincorporate bananas to the sugar mixture and cook for another couple minutes. Volia! You have caramelized bananas! Simply add these to your pancakes and serve! Again I ate mine with out syrup for less sugar and other icky things. :) Enjoy!

 Now, don't those just look delicious?


  1. Yum! This looks delicious! I'm so happy to have found your blog (via I heart naptime). I'm vegan too and sometimes I need a little inspiration! Thanks. I'm going to take some time now to check out the rest of your site and some more of your recipes!

  2. So glad Briana! I hope you enjoy some of my stuff..although you will see some stuff that is not vegan as me going vegan..still a work in progress, but my blog is changing so stay tuned for more!

  3. Mmm..sound delish!! Definitely will be trying this!


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