
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Snow White

A couple weeks ago a lady from my Mom's work asked me to make her granddaughters cake and cupcakes. Well, I shouldn't say just a lady..she's very sweet and friendly! She is the receptionist where my Mom works and my best friend also worked with her at a golf course. I was honored when she asked me to do the cake. At first when she told me she needed a snow white cake I was thinking Disney Princess, pink..but she sent me a few pics and I was so excited because it looked really creative and fun! No pink! :) I also had to make apple cupcakes. I delivered the cake and the party looked adorable, I wish I would've taken more pictures of the party, and I apologize but my pictures aren't the greatest.

 Cake and this cake stand!
 How cute is the birthday girl?

 Apple cupcakes

 She is just too cute, I love this photo opp she had too!


  1. Love the cake and cupcakes! Cute little girl too! found you by way of Blessed with Grace blog! Have a great week.


  2. Love the cake and cupcakes! Cute little girl too! found you by way of Blessed with Grace blog! Have a great week.


  3. What a clever cake. I absolutely love it. Great work.

  4. How fabulous!!! Oh man, this makes me want to redo my childhood birthday parties all over again and have a snow white theme with that cake and cupcakes!


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