
Saturday, March 3, 2012

Tofu Nuggets, Waffle fries and a fire!

First off I have to begin by apologizing for lack of bloggy commitment. I have been super busy lately focusing on my diet and training. As you may have read earlier I am training for a half marathon, and weight training. I've been lifting weights for a year now, but not really satisfied with how far I've come, so I decided to find a great weight training program and stick with it...between all this I'm at the gym more and getting home later. Good thing hubby has been making me dinner while I'm training, otherwise I get home late and don't feel like cooking much. So thanks hub! :) I wasn't sure what I wanted for dinner tonight. Zac was making fried chicken and waffle fries, mmm waffle fries. I knew I had to have some of those! I know, not really part of my new diet but I felt it was okay to splurge! I decided I'd have some tofu nuggets and waffle fries. This was a good, quick and easy meal. It was really good too! I was a little worried I wouldn't like my tofu nuggets, but surprisingly they tasted just like chicken nuggets! They were so good! Our waffle fries were more like waffle chips, but they too were very tasty. Meanwhile hubby is frying up a storm in the kitchen and I'm on Etsy searching for cute sprinkles. All of a sudden hubby screams, "we have a fire!" At first I thought it was a joke..then I get up and into the kitchen and sure enough said stove is on fire!!! Ahh, what do we do?! I try helping out, panic and google how to put out a fire..yeah I did that! Haha, I guess at that point I really didn't know what to do. No worries, we're all fine! Whew, good thing that was resolved quickly with out the fire department over. It was pretty crazy! I wasn't going to share my dinner tonight but I decided I'd give it a go! Hope you enjoy!

Tofu Nuggets
1/2 block firm tofu cut into squares
1tsp cayenne pepper
1tsp paprika
1tsp garlic powder
sprinkle of salt and pepper
1/2c gluten free bread crumbs (or regular bread crumbs)
vegetable or peanut oil

Rinse tofu, pat dry. Add seasonings to a bowl and throw in tofu, mix until combined. Then in another bowl add breadcrumbs and throw in tofu and toss until well coated. I had to dab the tofu a bit to get it to stick. Feel free to make any substitutions here, I just made this up! It's such a cinch. Fry in vegetable oil for about 5 minutes or until golden. Some of my breadcrumbs fell off during frying, don't worry they're still tasty! While eating these I thought to myself, these would be great cut into animal shapes for kids!

Waffle Fries
2-3 russet potatoes washed (we left skin on)
seasoned salt
cajun spices
vegetable or peanut oil

Wash potatoes well and cut into thin strips, or if you have an amazing mandolin with a waffle cutter setting feel free to use that! Heat oil to 350-375 degrees and drop in fries one batch at a time. Fry until crispy and transfer to paper towels to let excess oil drain. Transfer fries to a bowl and add seasonings, toss to coat. Our waffle setting on our mandolin cut the potatoes pretty thin, they were more like waffle chips then fries, but were still pretty addicting. Feel free to sub seasonings here too. Check this out for the perfect french fries..Pioneer Woman probably explains the perfect fries better than I would!

I'll admit these pictures aren't great, but I can guarantee the taste made up for it!

 I know you're probably looking at this thinking Ewe, that doesn't look very tasty..the only way you can prove it to yourself is to go make some now!


  1. Oh, your waffle fries look perfect! Such a tempting treat!!!

  2. TOFU NUGGETS! Awesome idea, gotta try this!

  3. This looks fabulous! We have been vegan for almost a year now and I am always looking for great recipes our boys (preteens) will love. Thank you!

    I am a new follower, found you via Town and Country. :)


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