
Friday, January 20, 2012

Oreo Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookies

Another recipe I've been seeing all over pinterest and everywhere else! I figured I had to try it, it intrigued me. And I haven't been posting too many sweets, probably because I always make the same thing  my favorite chocolate chip cookies. This time I thought a little outside the box, or should I say inside the cookie? I know bad joke, whatever let's move on. Cookie inside a cookie? Now I know where my muffin tops come from! These cookies are pretty huge, the hubby and I shared one. They were pretty good. I wouldn't say they're my favorite but it was nice to try and share the recipe with other people. Everyone has their own taste and I'm sure many people will love this. If I didn't think it was worthy of blogging, trust me I wouldn't blog it! I blog for myself and fellow viewers. :) They are pretty easy to make, I also made these because I've had oreos sitting in my cupboard for quite some time and decided they needed to be used once and for all! The recipe I used called for a whole package, I'm pretty sure I only used about 16-20 cookies. I hope you enjoy them!

Oreo Stuffed Cookies
2 sticks (1 cup) softened butter
3/4 cup packed light brown sugar
1 cup granulated sugar
2 large eggs
1 tablespoon pure vanilla
3 1/2 cups flour
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking soda
10 oz bag chocolate chips
1 pkg. Oreo cookies

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Cream butter and sugar until white and fluffy, this will take a couple minutes. Add in eggs one at a time incorporating before you add the second egg, add in vanilla. In a separate bowl mix the flour, salt and baking soda and add to the wet ingredients, add in chocolate chips until just combined. Take a small handful of dough and place on top of the Oreo Cookie. Take another small handful of dough and place on bottom of Oreo cookie. Pinch around sides and form into a ball until Oreo is covered in chocolate chip dough..I know crazy right? Bake on parchment lined baking pan for about 9-13 minutes, or until golden. Enjoy! I could only enjoy a half a cookie they were pretty intense! 

As seen on: Simply Link Party


  1. These look amazing!! So gotta try them.

  2. I hope you like them! Thanks so much for all your awesome comments!

  3. Dang! How many calories? No, don't answer that. I don't think I wanna know!

  4. I don't want to know either mama!!! I'll probably give them all away ;)

  5. Ok - now you have to move closer to me so I can come over and eat these. They look soooo good. Must make them soon! Have a great weekend.

  6. Hi Bridget,
    These Oreo stuffed choc chip cookies look amazing!
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    Let me know when you've been able to do this and I'll approve your linkup straight away.
    Best wishes,

  7. there should be a law against these! LOL They look delicious!

  8. There can never be enough sugar! (Hmmmm....maybe that's the source of my muffin tops? LOL) These look delicious! I would love for you to join my linky, Crazy Sweet Tuesday, sometime!

  9. Thanks Dorothy I'd love to!! I need to start making more sweets for my blog so everyone can see my talent and just how much I love them :) The family I nanny for usually gets leftovers!

  10. These look delicious! Cant wait to try it! Stopping by from talent show tuesday...

  11. These look so YUM! I would love if you stopped by tomorrow and link them up to Mrs Foxs Sweet Party!

  12. Hi Bridget, those cookies look so yummy! I know it is lot of calories but who cares....only one time won't hurt! Life is short. I will try to make them soon!



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