
Monday, January 23, 2012

Menu Plan Monday 1/23

I'm so glad I stated Menu Plan Monday, I mean I've always menu planned with the hubby every week, but now I get to blog about it and share it with others. I love being organized and having a plan and a routine. I'm kind of a freak when it comes to it, but it's what I know and it works for me! Just the other day when we were grocery shopping, I asked how in the world did we used to do this without a plan?! Well we were probably buying processed junk and always asking, what's for dinner tonight? Another thing I wish I could fix now is spending so much money on groceries. I wish I could be one of those crazy couponers, okay maybe not that extreme..but every time I find coupons guess what they're for? Junk, processed food! Let's face it, I don't eat like that anymore. So I guess I'll have to deal. At least I know I'm buying food that's good for my body. I'd love to buy organic too, but this is also expensive! I'll do what I can for now! Anyhoo, on to Menu Plan Monday! Check back later this week for the recipes!

Monday: Slow Cooker Chicken Tikka Masala and Homemade Naan
Tuesday: Chicken with Bulgar and Peppers
Wednesday: Cajun Chicken Pasta
Thursday: Ancho Chile Chicken Tacos
Friday: Thin Crust Pizza  (I will be updating this post later this week) the pictures aren't too great!
Saturday: Homemade Ravioli with Chicken, Walnuts and Crispy Sage

Linking up at: Menu Plan Monday 1/23

1 comment:

  1. Great blog. Excited to be your newest follower:)

    ~Christina @ Marriage from Scratch


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