
Saturday, January 7, 2012

An Award for me? How nice!

I received an awesome email just the other day from a fellow blogger of mine over at Adventures of our fami-ly, Sarah had informed me that she was awarding me with the Liebster Blog. See how pretty it is? It's for up and coming bloggers who have a following list of less than 200. That I do! I have started this blog not long ago and I've already learned so much and loved so much. I appreciate all my fellow bloggers out there and showing my blog support. I've found so many other amazing blogs out there, and so many other inspiring women. I'm so honored and happy to have won this award and now I as well get to share some love and pass it along to five of my favorite bloggers who I think deserve it. It's a great accomplishment for up and coming bloggers. Check out Sarah and her blog post about this award over at And the award goes to... and show her some love! I forgot to mention that Liebster is a German word meaning, favorite, dearest. How awesome. Thanks for all the awesome love Sarah!

#1. Town and Country Living: This is my Mother's blog and yes of course I have to share some love with her as well, not only because she's my Mom and inspiration, and I look up to her, but because she has an awesome blog! She's creative, crafty, a great cook and an awesome DIY-er. She's made so much for my wedding, which you can find on my blog. I know you'll love her blog as much as I do so please check her out!
#2. My Blog Review: I just recently found Hilary's blog and it's amazing. I love her header and her posts. She has lots of great recipes and stories to share. Her blog makes me pretty hungry. Please check her out and show her some love!
#3. Cooking with Karyn: I found Karyn's blog through linky parties, which is how I find most my blogs these days. She also has such a cute header as well, and she has linky parties that I can share my blog with other readers and fellow bloggers. She also has lots of yummy recipes, you should check them out and show her some love! You can also get your recipe and posts out there by linking up to her parties.
#4. Will Cook For Friends: I found this lovely blog and I love her photos, super colorful and really great. She's got some great recipes over here you should check out. I love the name of her blog too. You have to show her some love!
#5. The Weekly Sweet Experiment: Susan totally speaks my language..sweets and treats. You have to check her blog out if you love anything sweet. She has some pretty amazing stuff over here. She's a stay at home Mom who loves to bake and blog. I love here cute cupcake background. Please stop over show her some love, and bake some of her sweets.
Congratulations ladies, you all deserve this! Now go show some fellow up and coming bloggers who have a following of less than 200 people and show them some love. Show your thanks to the blogger by linking back to them like I did in my current blog post. Finally post the award on your blog!!! Hope you all enjoy you're pretty new award just as much as I do! 


  1. Congratulations on your much deserved award! Going to check out some of these blogs right now :)

  2. Aw, thanks for honoring me with this award, Bridget. You've been working hard to get your blog started and you totally deserve this award, as well. Your number of blog friends is growing and will continue to do so. You're an awesome cook!

  3. Thanks so much for the award... and for your kind words! Glad to have you as a reader!!

  4. Bridget - Thanks so much for this award. I am so honored. You deserve it too - I can't wait to see what you are cooking in 2012!!!

  5. Thank you Bridget for this award! I haven't had time to sit down and pass it on but I plan on doing so! I think it would be fun to get as many of the blogs who are offered the award in one place as possible! I might do some digging and make a page with all those awarded. Anyway, I thank you again, it was so sweet of you to think of me! I love blogging friends! :)


Please leave me a comment, I love to read them and I read each and every one. Thanks for sharing some love!