
Sunday, September 11, 2011

Foil Baked Fish with Hasselback Potatoes

Just made this dish tonight for dinner! My fiance made the potatoes and I made the fish, we made a compromise :) Of course whenever I really enjoy something, my fiance dislikes it, or vice versa. It's too bad we can't enjoy the same meals at times..guess I'll have to have a dinner party soon with my wonderful bridesmaid Erin. She's the one who introduced me to trying fish! Now I try to eat it once a week. The dish is pretty simple to make and it also looks pretty! This is a good week night meal! I can't wait to try it again, with out my fiance that is! I guess that's what friends are for.

Foil-Baked Fish with Corn
2-4 white fish fillets (I used tilapia)
salt and pepper to taste
4tblsp butter softened
2tsp minced chipotle peppers in adobo sauce
1tsp grated orange zest
2tbsp orange juice
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 cups corn kernels
1/4 red onion, minced
1/4c fresh cilantro

You may add black beans to this recipe, I dislike them so I omitted them. I know, who doesn't like beans right? 

Preheat oven to 425. Pat fish dry and season with salt and pepper. Using a fork or whisk mix together the butter, 1tsp of the chipotle peppers, orange zest, salt and pepper, and one clove of garlic. (I used three because I love garlic, and who doesn't like extra flavor)?! Spread over fish.

Combine the corn, (I shucked some fresh corn). If using beans add these as well, onion, orange juice, 2tblsp of cilantro, the other half of the chipotle peppers and garlic, season with salt and pepper.

Lay out 2-4 14" pieces of foil and cover the bottom half with the corn mixture. Lay buttered fish on top and fold foil over to make packets. Place on a baking pan or dish and bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes. Carefully open the packets and sprinkle the remaining cilantro on top.
*Slightly adapted from Pink Parsley: Foil-Baked Fish with Black Beans and Corn

Hasselback Potatoes
2 Russet potatoes
Olive oil
Salt and pepper to taste
Dried basil
Garlic sliced into thin layers

Preheat oven to 425 degrees. After washing the potatoes, thinly slice each potato, being careful not to cut all the way through. (Place the potato on a large serving spoon so you won't cut all the way through).

Season each potato with basil, salt and freshly cracked pepper. Place a thin slice of garlic between each layer. Place the potatoes in a baking dish and drizzle with olive oil. Bake potatoes for one hour or until baked through. Serve with butter and sour cream.  We baked the potatoes for about an hour and fifteen minutes and they were still a little tough. They were still really good though. Nice and crisp on the outside. I can't wait to make this dish again! Enjoy!

Grandma Vernie's Hot Fudge Sauce

I can remember being a little girl and having many memories with my grandma. She is by far the best grandma around and I'm so happy to say I'm still enjoying her company 25 years later. Grandma doesn't cook anymore but that's why she's given her recipes to her granddaughters so we can share them with family and friends. This is the same grandma that used to make chicken spaghetti. :) I introduced that dish to the lovely ladies of Sweet Mandy B's (yummy bakery in Chicago I used to work at)  and they loved it so much. It's awesome to know my grandma's food can be passed down to many people who also enjoy it. Love you grandma! My favorite food memories of my grandma would have to be hay stacks, (which I will have to make when I get back from my honeymoon), mud buddies (also known as puppy chow) my grandma calls it this so I always have and no one ever knows what the heck I'm talking about, and her chicken spaghetti and of course hot fudge sauce!  Anyways, back to the hot fudge sauce...which is to die for! Thanks to my sister for making it for the bridal shower. This sauce is super easy to make and refrigerates and reheats well. I think it's best over vanilla ice cream, maybe that's because that's how I always remember having it. It's perfect for making sundaes too and even adding to milkshakes. Mmm, I think I'm going to have to have a bowl tonight! Every time I take a bite into this sauce it brings back all kinds of memories. You need to make this now, you may not have special memories of my awesome grandma but it's very yummy!

Grandma Braun's Hot Fudge Sauce
1/4C plus 2tbsp sugar
5oz evaporated milk
3/4C chocolate chips
1 1/2tsp butter
1/2tsp vanilla

Yields: 1cup
Combine sugar, milk and chocolate chips in small saucepan. Cook over medium heat, stirring until chocolate melts and mixture boils. Remove from heat and stir in butter and vanilla. Serve hot over ice cream. I noticed it's not as grainy if you let it cool a little, and after refrigeration and reheating it's even better. Thanks again Grandma I hope everyone enjoys this :)